univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies
"The Discovery of Modernity - Vienna Around 1900"
February 2 - 17, 2018
The univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies takes place in Vienna, the capital of the former Habsburg Monarchy (and Austria of today) where traces of the outstanding culture of the late 19th and the beginning of the 20th century are still visible.
The two week program combines first class academic courses with an extensive social and cultural program. Vienna’s rich cultural heritage, especially the museums, will lead to a thorough understanding of the input of the fin-de-siècle on the modernization of Europe.
This unique program consists of high level lectures in the morning and guided excursions to the city of Vienna (e.g. Ringstraße, Art Nouveau, Schönberg Center) and to different museums (the Museum for Applied Arts and Schönbrunn Palace) in the afternoon.
Outside the framework of classes Vienna offers plenty of opportunities to explore additional museums and sights such as the St. Stephan’s Cathedral, the Imperial Palace, and the Treasury.
The academic course environment encourages intercultural and social exchange and favors mutual understanding within the international student population. Participants thus broaden their horizon, meet colleagues from different fields of study, make friends for life and build connections for their future professional careers.
Having seen the academic program of your university, we believe that the courses offered at the univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies would complement your departments’ course offerings perfectly.
Given the intercultural and interdisciplinary aspect of the International Summer Program our course offerings are, without question, of interest for students from all fields of study, but certainly of special interest for students who study one of the following fields: History, Cultural Studies, Art, Literature, Psychology, and Political Science.
More information about the univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies can be found at our homepage at http://shs.univie.ac.at/winterschool
Attached you will also find the PDF version of the folder for 2018 as well as the application form.
The application deadline for the winter school is November 30, 2017.
For further information or special requests please contact the Program Coordinator, at
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. It will be our pleasure to be of assistance and to answer any questions you might have.
Call for Papers
Public and Applied History on the Battlefield of Europe. Dealing with Painful Pasts in the 20th Century
First conference of the Jean Monnet Network “Applied European Contemporary History”
History and representations of the past have become an increasingly public issue, especially over the past decades. The prerogative of interpretation no longer belongs exclusively to scholars and institutions related to universities. The reasons for this vary. Civil society, for instance, increasingly wishes to have a voice in representing pasts that were experienced as painful (which e.g. holds true for NGOs in post--‐war or post--‐dictatorship societies). Another reason might be the effort to tell histories from below which so far have been neglected by academic discourse, as with the history workshop movement in Great Britain, Germany and other European countries. Yet a completely different explanation point toward the nostalgic appropriation of the past often found in local heritage and history societies.
In this situation of change historical sciences are undergoing a phase of adaptation in order to recognize the democratization of the production of historical knowledge. Public and Applied History are aiming at responding to this challenge. They provide an innovative approach to historical sciences that deals with the intersections between academic research and society’s methods of producing historical knowledge. While Public History can be described as the broad and overarching concept that deals with the uses of the past in public, Applied History as its subordinate field explores more specifically how historical knowledge is made; how interpretations of the past impact society; why there is a societal need to deal with the past at all; and finally, what effect these issues have on the scientific methods of historical research.
In doing so Public and Applied History can provide an innovative contribution to that highlights historical science’s European scope. This approach is the underlying idea of the Jean Monnet Network “Applied European Contemporary History.” As part of the broad field of Public History, the network aims to how methods of dealing with the past can be informed by a deeper understanding of the historical cultures of the neighbouring European countries. Comprising members from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Poland, and Serbia, the network strives to explain national cultures of history in their specific constructions and further create relationships between them, thus making potential conflicts both appreciated and understood. A central issue is how societies come to terms with experiences of war and violence and of guilt and victimhood in the 20th century.
At the same time the network aims to sharpen the methodology and didactics of this approach through a transnational dialogue beyond its participants. During our first conference, we would like to discuss the network’s approach with interested scholars and practitioners from European countries in order to map the European landscape of Public and Applied History.
In a first step, we would like to explore the similarities and differences between theoretical and analytical approaches to and terminology of Public and Applied History (not always necessarily labelled as such) and their uses in different national contexts throughout Europe. Initially these discussions were stipulated by the discourse concerning “memory” and “remembrance.” As the field has been developing dynamically, the references and connections between the memory discourse and Public and Applied History should be scrutinized in this panel, too.
The papers in this section could address the following questions:
- When and why did “memory” become a crucial concept in the humanities in the respective countries?
- Which terms regarding Memory Studies and Public and Applied History have been coined so far? To what theoretical concepts do these terms refer?
- To what extent do transfer processes between countries and scientific communities play a role when new terms are coined in the field of Memory Studies / Public and Applied History?
- The debates in Memory Studies and Public and Applied History respond to what social needs?
- How do practitioners who work in sites of memory, museums, education, and other realms outside universities view the debate on Memory Studies and Public and Applied History?
In a second step, we would like to discuss case studies in Public and Applied History from European countries that are concerned with dealing with painful pasts in the 20th century. These case studies should focus on national frameworks of Public or Applied History as well as emphasize transnational constellations.
Questions addressed by these papers might be:
- To what extent does civil society claim to be an actor in the production, representation and implementation of historical knowledge? To what need(s) do civil society actors respond, and what aims do they follow when engaging in public history or memory work?
- To what theoretical concepts do these initiatives refer? To what extent do transnational networks play a role?
- How far do initiatives from below contribute to a democratization of the production of historical knowledge?
- How are negotiations shaped by public history actors and representatives of official politics of remembrance in cases of contested pasts? How do initiatives from below interfere with politics of history education?
- What alternative histories do these initiatives try to tell? What narratives do they shape? And concerning painful pasts: Where are limits of understanding the Other?
The conference will take place at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany, from November 7th to November 9th. Accommodation and travelling costs will be arranged and covered. The conference will take place in English.
If interested, please send an abstract (no longer than 300 words) and a short CV by July 15th, 2017 to Dennis Dierks (
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) and Juliane Tomann (
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Prezentacija programa stipendija DAAD-a
Prezentacija programa stipendija DAAD-a (Njemačke agencije za akademsku razmjenu) bit će održana u ponedjeljak 22. maja 2017. godine u biblioteci Goetheovog instituta u Sarajevu (Maršala Tita 28, ulaz pored BBI Banke, IV sprat) sa početkom u 14:00 sati.
Ovom prilikom će biti predstavljeni DAAD programi stipendiranja za studente i naučno-nastavno osoblje za akademsku 2017/2018. godinu.
Za više informacija o prezentaciji možete posjetiti: https://www.facebook.com/events/1515213701864182/, a informacije o stipendijama DAAD-a dostupne su na: www.funding-guide.de.
Fulbright studijski program Američke vlade za akademsku 2018/2019. godinu
Ambasada Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Bosni i Hercegovini obavještava da je otvoren konkurs za dodjelu Fulbright stipendija za strane studente – gostujući student istraživač, za akademsku 2018/2019. godinu, a krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je 30. april 2017. godine.
Program omogućava diplomiranim studentima i mladim istraživačima da svoja istraživanja realizuju u SAD-u, u trajanju od četiri do maksimalno devet mjeseci. Istovremeno, stipendistima se pruža prilika da unaprijede svoj naučni rad, uspostave profesionalne kontakte i steknu međunarodno iskustvo, te da pomognu u promovisanju bilateralnih odnosa.
Apliciranje se vrši putem stranice: https://sarajevo.usembassy.gov/fulbright-student.html
Dodatne informacije su dostupne na navedenoj web stranici, putem e-maila:
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ili putem telefona: 033/704-066.
Ambasada Italije u Sarajevu dodjeljuje novčane stipendije Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i međunarodne saradnje (MVPMS) Italije za studente, državljane BiH i Italijane sa prebivalištem u BiH (IRE), za studij u Italiji tokom akademske 2017/2018. godine.
Bando - http://www.esteri.it/mae/resource/doc/2017/03/bando_a.a_2017_2018.pdf /
Call for applications -
Stipendije se dodjeljuju za pohađanje sljedećih nivoa univerzitetskih studija: magistarski studij (I godina integriranog magistarskog studija ili studij 2. ciklusa), studij mastera I ili II nivoa, doktorski studij, specijalistički studij (osim za medicinske discipline), studijski projekti sumentorstva, studij pri visokoobrazovnim institucijama za umjetnost i muziku (AFAM), studij pri Međunarodnoj školi za izradu violina u Kremoni, pri Školi za visoko obrazovanje i studij Vrhovnog instituta za konzervaciju i restauraciju (ISCR), pri Nacionalnoj školi za film, te za napredne kurseve iz italijanskog jezika i kulture (tromjesečne) i za kurseve usavršavanja/obuke za profesore italijanskog jezika (jednomjesečne).
Kandidature se podnose isključivo on-line, pristupajući portalu za stipendije putem internet stranice MVPMS-a: https://borseonline.esteri.it/BorseOnLine/Default.aspx do ponoći 10. maja 2017. godine.
Dodatne informacije mogu se dobiti putem stranice:
http://www.esteri.it/mae/it/ministero/servizi/stranieri/opportunita/borsestudio_stranieri.html ili pri Uredu za kulturu Ambasade Italije u Sarajevu (e-mail:
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6th biennial international conference
"INFuture2017: Integrating ICT in Society"
8-10 November 2017
The Westin Zagreb Hotel, Zagreb, Croatia
organised by
Department of Information and Communication Sciences
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Conference topics:
1. Governmental and Business Sector Informatics (G&B)
2. e-Health Applications and Solutions (e-H)
3. Human-Computer Interaction and Language Technologies (HCI<)
4. Digitisation, Records Management and Digital Preservation (D-RM-DP)
5. Personal Digital Information Management (PDIM)
6. e-Science (eSCI)
7. Her.IT.age (HIT)
8. Community Informatics (CI)
9. Integration of ICT in Education (ICT-E)
10. e-Encyclopaedia (e-E) - topic organised in association with The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography
The European Association for Banking and Financial History’s (eabh) Workshop will be held during the INFuture2017 conference.
We invite you to submit your paper in one of several paper categories. Details about the conference topics and paper categories can be found at:
Papers undergo international double blind peer review, and will be published for the conference. INFuture publications are indexed by EBSCO. Other relevant databases are being considered.
Submission deadline is 1 May 2017.
Call for papers can be downloaded in PDF from:
The European Association for Banking and Financial History’s (eabh) Workshop will be held on Friday 10 November 2017.
Organisational team is ready to answer all your questions!
Contact us at
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Program stipendiranja za postdoktorske studije "The Matsumae International Foundation" za 2018. godinu
Matsumae International Foundation obavještava da je objavljen program stipendiranja za 2018. godinu za postdoktorska istraživanja, u trajanju od 3 do 6 mjeseci.
Istraživački program stipendiranja je predviđen prvenstveno za oblast prirodnih nauka, medicine i inženjerstva, a kandidati moraju imati doktorat i biti mlađi od 49 godina.
Mjesečni iznos stipendije je 220.000 japanskih jena (oko 3.600 KM), osigurana je povratna avionska karta i plaćeno zdravstveno osiguranje. Također, stipendistima je osigurana i početna suma od 120.000 japanskih jena (oko l.960 KM) za pronalaženje smještaja i troškove lokalnog prijevoza. Više informacija o programu, te uvjetima i načinu apliciranja, može se naći na web stranici: www.mif-japan.org.
Rok za dostavu aplikacija je 31. 8. 2017. godine.
We invite you to take part in the 2nd International conference on Quality of Life which will be held from 08th to 10th June 2017 in Kragujevac.
The conference is expected to bring together professionals from around the world to actively discuss and share their views and experience on the challenges and prospects from field of quality of life. We are pleased to invite you to take part in this important event.
Participants are invited to submit their paper proposals within the following fields:
• Theoretical Approaches
• Empirical Approaches
• Local, Regional and Global Quality of Life
• Sustainable Development and Quality of Life
• Freedom and Quality of Life
• Quality and Quality of Life
• Quality of Work Life
• Impact of development science and technology on quality of life
• Methodology of Quality of Life and Happiness
• Current Issues
• Perspectives of Quality of Life
All IQOL 2017 Papers will be published in Conference proceedings and selected papers will be published in International Journal for Quality Research (ISSN: 1800-6450).
Official languages: Conference languages are English and Russian.
Abstracts should be written in the language of the presentation.
The registration for the Conference should contain the following elements:
(1) Name and surname of the author/authors
(2) Author’s/authors’ affiliation
(3) E-mail address of the author/authors
(4) Title of the paper (up to 10 words)
(5) Abstract (150-250 words) with a clear description of aims, methodology and expected results of the research.
Paper submission: You are kindly asked to submit your Conference registration as a Word (.doc) attachment to the following address:
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(subject line: Conference registration) not later than March 31st 2017. Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 06th 2017. Abstracts will be assessed by the members of Scientific Committee using the following criteria: originality and relevance of research topic, clarity and quality of the methodology as well as scientific contribution.
Full paper submission due: May 10th 2017
Conference fee: 50e
Paper instructions / Guide for authors
Paper instructions may be found at: http://www.cqm.rs/
Contact: Tijana Cvetic:
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Call for Application: Antall József Summer School 2017
3-14 July 2017
Organised by the Antall József Knowledge Centre, the Antall József Summer School is a two-week educational programme putting under scrutiny the most pivotal cooperation of the Central European region, the Visegrad Cooperation. Many aspects of this special partnership are examined throughout the school including history, economy policy, energy policy, innovation, foreign and security policy, culture and tourism, and the question of sustainability via lectures, workshops, debates, and roundtable discussions.
With 2017 marking several anniversaries revolving around the European Union, the fifth instalment of the Summer School will focus on evaluating the role of the Visegrad Countries within the European Union.
Beyond the transmission of knowledge, our aim is to enhance intercultural dialogue. For this reason, we organise various trips and programmes including the Visegrád trip, Sightseeing in Budapest, a casual wine tasting at Kopaszi Dam and Bay, the Multicultural Evening, a visit to the House of Terror Museum.
Place and Time of Event: Budapest, 3-14 July 2017
Number of People Admitted: 50
The Summer School is open to all MA and PhD students or graduated researchers, aged 21–35.
Eligible countries: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine.
Applications from any other country not listed above are also welcome. However, they are not eligible for a full scholarship.
For more information on the application process and the scholarships granted, please visit www.ajsummerschool.com.
The application period will end on 31 March 2017, at midnight CET.
ONE ARCTIC: 2-5 MAY, 2017
We are excited to invite you to our last incredible initiative for young students: the first international simulation of the Arctic Council to be played in Italy!
Talented participants, as you, across the circumpolar north and the world will be attending One Arctic from 2nd to 5th May 2017.
Participants will be in the first row as delegates of a Member State, as a Permanent Participant or maybe as an Observers of the Arctic Council, and they will be asked to formulate proposals for the best management of the most vulnerable region on the Earth, the Arctic, always taking into consideration the aims: fostering international cooperation, rising Arctic awareness and strengthening resilience.
One Arctic is organized by SIOI (https://www.facebook.com/SIOI.UNAITALY/) in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy to Italy – Ambasciata Americana a Roma
(https://www.facebook.com/AmbasciataUSA/) and together with the MSOI – UNYA Italy.
FOLLOW THE ARCTIC FOX and APPLY NOW! https://www.romunsioi.org/one-arctic-form/
Changing the World:
Challenges, Opportunities and Responsibilities
SKOPJE, 12-14 MAY 2017
IBU-ICSSH17 intends to serve as a platform for a global audience of academics, researchers, and scholars to present their research work and/or on-going research activities in the field of humanities and social sciences, as well as all interrelated disciplines. We invite all interested educators, linguists, psychologists, economists, neuroscientists, artists, PR’s, political scientists, policy-makers, practitioners and entrepreneurs to share and improve their research, to develop business applications, to gain more knowledge of the challenges of global networking, global business and best practices.
We invite you to discuss the latest research and to share your presentations in front of an international audience in a supportive environment that will enable network establishment, and further help you engage and build relationships and experience Macedonia. IBU-ICSSH17 is to be held in the city of Skopje, which offers a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, art and architecture. Brimming with unbridled energy, Skopje embodies the finest of both East and West.
Conference Topics
We make a concerted effort to provide participants with opportunities to interact and seek new directions in the broad area of topics, but are not limited to: Political Sciences, International Relations, Education, Communications, Management, Business, Economics, Philology, Psychology, Legal Studies, History and Arts.
Important Dates
Early registration: 31 March 2017
Late registration: 15 April 2017
Conference dates: 12-14 May 2017
Submission of full papers: 31 August 2017
Language of Conference
Language of Conference: English and Turkish
Official language of the Conference is English and Turkish
Abstracts and full papers should be written in English only
Conference website www.icssh.ibu.edu.mk
Stipendije "Stipendium Hungaricum"
Potpisivanjem Programa obrazovne i kulturne saradnje između Ministarstva civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine i Ministarstva ljudskih resursa Mađarske 2017–2019 definisan je plan obrazovne i kulture saradnje BiH i Mađarske.
Između ostalog, to znači da će studenti iz BiH moći da apliciraju za mađarske stipendije "Stipendium Hungaricum", što podrazumijeva besplatne studije, smještaj u univerzitetskim kampusima i studentskim domovima, zdravstveno osiguranje, te mjesečne stipendije.
Ambasada Mađarske je uputila pismo Ministarstvu civilnih poslova BiH, u kojem informiše o produženju roka za apliciranje bh. studenata do 31. 03. 2017.godine.
Programom je obezbjeđeno 50 stipendija za studente iz BiH koji studiraju u oblasti poljoprivrede i prirodnih nauka, oblasti inženjerstva i ekonomije, te jednociklusne studije u oblasti medicine za pune dodiplomske ili postdiplomske studijske programe.
Osigurano je i 5 stipendija za pune doktorske studije na engleskom jeziku u bilo kojoj oblasti od interesa.
Detaljne informacije o načinu i rokovima za podnošenje aplikacija dostupne su na web stranici: www.stipendiumhungaricum.hu
Stipendije za postdiplomski studij na univerzitetima na Tajlandu
Vlada Kraljevine Tajland ponudila je pet stipendija za postdiplomski studij iz različitih oblasti na eminentnim univerzitetima na Tajlandu. Stipendije se dodjeljuju u okviru „Thailand International Postgraduate Programme (TIPP).
Sve neophodne informacije o univerzitetima i vrstama studija, uslovima za dobijanje stipendije i potrebnim dokumentima, dostupne su na web stranici Ambasade Kraljevine Tajland u Budimpešti: www.thaiembassy.org/budapest ili na web stranici Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA): www.tica.thaigov.net.
Zainteresovani kandidati trebaju dostaviti tražene dokumente u Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH (Odjel za međunarodnu, naučnu, tehničku, obrazovnu, kulturnu i sportsku saradnju) najkasnije do 31. 03. 2017. godine.
Stipendije Univerziteta u Miškolcu (Mađarska) za akademsku 2017/2018.
U okviru Stipendium Hungaricum programa nude se stipendije za akademsku 2017/2018. godinu.
Ovom stipendijom pokriveni su troškovi koji uključuju plaćenu naknadu za školarinu, zdravstveno osiguranje i smještaj u studentskom domu, ili iznos od 40.000 forinti za troškove smještaja tokom cijelog perioda školovanja.
Mjesečni iznos za bachelor i master studije je 130 eura, a za studente doktorskih studija koji su počeli svoje studije u septembru 2016. godine 325 eura, dok za studente doktorskih studija koji tek počinju studij od septembra 2017. godine mjesečni iznos je 450 eura za prvu fazu obrazovanja koja se sastoji od 4 semestra, te 580 eura za drugu fazu obrazovanja (također 4 semestra).
Rok za apliciranje je 05. 03. 2017. godine, a za više informacija o načinu apliciranja možete kontaktirati gospođu Nikolett Toth putem maila
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, i također putem web stranice http://stipendium.uni-miskolc.hu/.
UNESCO Japan – Poziv za dostavu nominacija za UNESCO/Japan nagradu za Obrazovanje za održivi razvoj za 2017. godinu
UNESCO Japan dodjeljuje nagrade pojedincima, institucijama i organizacijama koje imaju istaknute projekte ili programe u oblasti edukacije za održivi razvoj. Potencijalne nominacije potrebno je dostaviti Državnoj Komisiji BiH za UNESCO putem obrasca za nominacije u štampanoj i elektronskoj formi na engleskom jeziku ili na jednom od službenih jezika u BiH najkasnije do 31. 03. 2017. godine. Sve prateće materijale (publikacije, slike, videa i sl.) potrebno je dostaviti u elektronskoj formi.
Kriteriji i obrazac za nominacije mogu se preuzeti putem linka:
Understanding Brazil
Summer School on Brazilian Studies
This course will provide an understanding of key aspects of Brazil from distinct perspectives. The instructors are professors from UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), a leading Brazilian university. Lectures will cover the underpinnings of Brazilian politics, history, foreign relations, geography, law, economy, arts and culture.
When and where
The course will begin on July 3rd and end on July 14th. Lectures on selected topics will go from 9:00 am to 13:00, from Monday through Thursday, at the Faculty of Economics, UFMG. In the afternoons, there will be classes of Portuguese for Foreigners. On Fridays, participants will be taken on field trips to places of historical and artistic relevance (Inhotim and Ouro Preto).
All lectures will be given in English. Applicants are expected to be proficient in English. For students whose main medium of instruction during their education was not English, some proof of English proficiency will be necessary. Results of standard English proficiency tests (e.g., TOEFL or IELTS) will be preferable, but other forms of certification for language proficiency in English may be considered, at the Organizing Committee's discretion.
Applications are open to students and professionals who wish to gain a wide and multifaceted view of Brazil. The Organizing Committee will select up to 30 (thirty) students among the pool of applicants. Preference will be given to undergraduate students from institutions that have international cooperation agreements with UFMG.
Applications can be submitted via e-mail to
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. Please include “Summer school application” in the subject.
Application materials:
a) Letter of motivation
b) One letter of recommendation
c) Curriculum vitae
d) Certification of English proficiency
Application deadline: April 13th, 2017.
Total Course Length
32 hours of classes (morning)
20 hours of Portuguese for Foreigners (afternoon)
2 field trips (all‐day)
Extra‐classroom activities (afternoon): Brazilian movies; Seminars on selected topics
Costs and logistics
There will be no tuition fees for the course. In addition, UFMG will provide accommodation and meals, free of charge, for all students selected to the Summer School.
Students are responsible for their own transportation costs to/from Belo Horizonte, personal expenses, and for health insurance (mandatory).
About the Lecturers
The lectures will be given by professors of UFMG. In addition, professors from other leading Brazilian universities may be invited to give lectures in their fields of expertise.
Professor Gilberto Libanio – Center for East Asian Studies / UFMG
Professor Alexandre Cunha – Center for European Studies / UFMG
For further information, please contact us via e‐mail:
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Call for Applications
Graz International Summer School Seggau 2017 under the title
Focusing on the emphasis areas of the University of Graz – South Eastern Europe and North, Central and South America – the summer school will take place from July 2nd to July 15th, 2017 at Seggau Castle in Styria, Austria, in the wine region close to the Slovene border. Emphasizing on the aspects of state, society, and religion, interdisciplinary morning lectures will provide the context for the five specialized seminar workshops in the afternoon. The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and International affairs by studying and discussing global developments and challenges in terms of radical definitions reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, religious, cultural, literary, regional, economic, cohort and national identities. In the past, students and teaching staff from more than 35 different countries have provided a diverse and stimulating international classroom.
Detailed information about the summer school program can be found on our website http://international.uni-graz.at/en/gusegg/. Please note that we continually update the website with more information, there will also be various scholarship schemes available.
Application Deadline: February 28th, 2017
Call for Papers
Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2017
July 20-21, 2017
Istanbul, Turkey
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate in our annual forum which will host well-known academics, journalists, consultants, and practitioners. We aim to become one of the hubs in the Euro-Asia region where participants present research in all major fields and subfields of economics, business, social and political sciences focusing specifically on the Euro-Asia region.
Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2017 will take place on July 20 and 21, 2017 at the Elite World Istanbul Hotel (Taksim) in Istanbul, Turkey with the support of Eurasia Business and Economics Society and the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
All the accepted abstracts will be published in the Forum Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). In addition, authors will have the opportunity to publish their papers in one of the following journals without publication fee: Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance (EJEF), Eurasian Journal of Business and Management (EJBM), and Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS).
Abstract submission is now open and the deadline is May 8, 2017. Acceptance/rejection notifications will be sent to all submitters by May 15, 2017. Please send your abstracts or full papers to
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We are looking forward to meeting you at the Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2017.
The 15th International Geometry Symposium
The 15th International Geometry Symposium will be held on July 3-6, 2017 hosted by Amasya University.
You can find the details of symposium on website http://15geosem.amasya.edu.tr
Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship
Vlada Republike Indonezije obavjestila je da su za zainteresovane studente iz Bosne i Hercegovine dostupne stipendije za tromjesečni program pod nazivom: „Celebrating Diversity, Harnessing Harmony“, koji će se u periodu od 6. maja do 19. avgusta 2017. godine održati na jednom od univerziteta u Yogyakartu, Java.
Vlada Indonezije u potpunosti snosi troškove učešća u prograu za odabrane kandidate: školarinu, povratnu avio kartu, smještaj, ishranu, zdravstveno osiguranje i mjesečni džeparac.
Uslovi za učešće su: kandidati trebaju biti neoženjeni/neudati, starosni dobi između 21 i 30 godina, sa najmanje univerzitetskom diplomom i dobrim poznavanjem engleskog jezika.
Zainteresovani kandidati trebaju, najkasnije do 30. 01. 2017. godine, u Ambasadu Republike Indonezije u Sarajevu dostaviti:
- popunjen prijavni obrazac,
- motivaciono pismo,
- tri fotografije (format za pasoš),
- fotokopiju pasoša čija je validnost najmanje dvije godine,
- fotokopiju univerzitetske diplome,
- fotokopiju posljednjeg uvjerenja o zdravstvenom stanju,
- pismo preporuke,
- potpisana izjava (Personal Statement).
Application Form Regular Program
BSBI 2017 - Application Form SPECIAL PROGRAM
Personal Statement
Scholarship Guidance – Reguler
Scholarship Guidance - Special Program
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the academic year 2017-2018
The Embassy of the United States of America to Bosnia and Herzegovina is pleased to announce the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the academic year 2017-2018. Applications are received until December 7, 2016.
What is the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program
The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program brings foreign scholars to conduct non-degree, postdoctoral research, lecture, or pursue combined lecturing and research in the United States generally from three months up to ten months. The program offers valuable opportunities for scholars to establish professional contacts in their academic field; to develop collaborative research relationships with U.S. scholars and from around the world; to enhance their scholarly publications and other contributions with research conducted in the United States; to gain international experience and personal enrichment; and to help promote mutual understanding between the two nations. Grantees who successfully complete the program receive a Department of State certificate of participation. In academic year 2014-2015, 838 non-U.S. scholars came to the United States to lecture and/or conduct research while 1,218 U.S. scholars taught and/or conducted research abroad.
To Apply
- Interested applicants must apply to the U.S. Embassy
- Apply online at: https://apply.embark.com/student/fulbright/scholars/30 by December 7, 2016.
Program Information and Questions
- Visit: https://sarajevo.usembassy.gov/fulbright-visiting-scholar.html
- Contact the U.S. Embassy Sarajevo Academic Exchange Coordinator via email:
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or phone: 033-704-066.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program
Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) competition for the 2017-2018 academic year
The Embassy of the United States of America to Bosnia and Herzegovina is pleased to announce the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) competition for the 2017-2018 academic year. Applications are received until December 31, 2016.
What is the Global UGRAD Program
The program provides approximately 250 undergraduate students from around the world with one-semester scholarships for non-degree, full-time academic study at a U.S. college or university, combined with community service, professional development workshops, and cultural enrichment activities. Participants can expect an in-depth exposure to U.S. society, culture, and academic institutions as well as an opportunity to enhance their professional skills. Global UGRAD also offers students the opportunity to share their cultures and traditions with U.S. peers and helps promote mutual understanding between the two nations. Global UGRAD is a non-degree program. The scholarship will cover international travel, tuition, room and board, accident/sickness insurance, a small monthly stipend, and funding for books.
Program Information and Questions
- Visit: https://sarajevo.usembassy.gov/global-ugrad.html
- Contact the U.S. Embassy Sarajevo Academic Exchange Coordinator via email:
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or phone: 033-704-066.
To Apply
- Interested applicants must apply to the U.S. Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Apply online at: https://sarajevo.usembassy.gov/global-ugrad.html by December 31, 2016.
Global UGRAD 2017-2018
The Canon Foundation in Europe offers research grants to highly qualified European and Japanese researchers who obtained at least their Master’s degree within the last ten years. This is the minimum requirement.
Non-nationals should have permanent citizenship in either Europe or Japan.
We welcome applications in all fields of research. Successful European applicants should carry out their research in Japan and Japanese must do their research in Europe.
Fellowships are awarded for minimum three months to maximum one year.
Financial Support for Fellows ranges between 22,500 to 27,500 Euros per year and pro-rata for different periods.
Please visit our website (www.canonfoundation.org) for our online application form, noting that the deadline is 15 September. Please also note that all correspondence and applications should be made in English!
IPSA - METU Summer School
Registrations are Open
Graduate School of Social Sciences at Middle East Technical University (METU) in collaboration with International Political Science Association (IPSA) is organizing the fourth Summer School for Social Science Research Methods to be held at METU, 29 August – 9 September 2016.
The first program of its kind in Turkey and its neighbourhood, the Summer School will bring together prominent international scholars to offer graduate students, early career academics and professionals cutting edge qualitative and quantitative social science research methods over a period of two weeks. Organized at METU in Ankara, the school will contribute to the development of research networks and raising of the research standards in the nearby regions.
The school will also provide ample opportunity to discuss career issues such as publishing and writing research proposals. Participants will apply to one course among the six courses on offer as the courses are full time courses, half of the day allocated for lectures and the second half allocated for study sessions and lab work. Early registration is recommended.
The final deadline for all registrations: 17 June 2016
For detailed information, schedule, prices and accommodation opportunities see:
Ljetna škola Papinskog univerziteta Urbaniana
Papinski univerzitet Urbaniana organizira Ljetnu školu kršćanstva za 15 studenata iz različitih zemalja, pripadnika drugih religija, koji žele steći znanje o kršćanstvu i kršćanskoj kulturi.
Ljetna škola će se održati od 1.do 31. 7. 2016. godine u Kampusu Univerziteta u Rimu, a predavači će biti docenti sa Papinskog univerziteta.
Predavanja će se održati na engleskom jeziku, u trajanju od ukupno 150 sati (10 ECTS).
Univerzitet nudi stipendije koje uključuju besplatna predavanja/kurseve, smještaj u jednokrevetnim sobama i dva obroka dnevno, dok sve ostale troškove snose sami polaznici.
Rok za prijave je 31. 5. 2016. godine.
Apliciranje se vrši slanjem faxa ili e-maila na:
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(don Roberto Cherubini, Pontificia Universita Urbaniana), fax: + 39 06 69889537
Ponuda stipendija za postdiplomske studije na Masdar institutu, UAE
Masdar institut za nauku i tehnologiju iz Abu Dabija, putem Ambasade BiH u UAE, dostavio je ponudu za 10 (deset) stipendija za postdiplomski studij u 2016/2017. godini.
Stipendije se dodjeljuju za devet master programa i jedan doktorski program.
Krajnji rok za prijavu je 31. maj 2016. godine.
Više detalja o akademskim programima, uslovima za prijem, rokovima i načinu prijave može se naći na web stranici: www.masdar.ac.ae
Ponuda za studij na MGIMO Univerzitetu u Moskvi
MGIMO Univerzitet u Moskvi, Ruska Federacija, izražava spremnost da na budžetskoj osnovi upiše jednog državljanina Bosne i Hercegovine na prvu godinu studija na jedan od tri smjera: Međunarodni odnosi, Međunarodno pravo i Međunarodni ekonomski odnosi.
Za upis na fakultet potrebno je znanje ruskog jezika na nivou koji omogućava praćenje nastavnog procesa. Pored znanja ruskog jezika potrebno je da kandidat posjeduje znanje i drugog stranog jezika na nivou nacionalnog školskog programa. Također, navedeno je da će se testiranje o nivou znanja ruskog jezika provesti 27. juna 2016. godine, a testiranje o znanju drugog stranog jezika 29. juna 2016. godine na MGIMO Univerzitetu.
Prijave se mogu dostavljati direktno u Ambasadu BiH u Moskvi ili putem Ministarstva vanjskih poslova BiH u Sarajevu do 10. 06. 2016. godine.
Call for Papers
Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2016
July 21-22, 2016
Belgrade, Serbia
Hosted by
Faculty of Economics
University of Belgrade
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate in our annual forum which will host well-known academics, journalists, consultants, and practitioners. We aim to become one of the hubs in the Euro-Asia region where participants present research in all major fields and subfields of economics, business, social and political sciences focusing specifically on the Euro-Asia region.
Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2016 will take place on July 21 and 22, 2016 at the Faculty of Economics - University of Belgrade (FoE) in Belgrade, Serbia with the support of Eurasia Business and Economics Society and the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
All the accepted abstracts will be published in the Forum Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). In addition, forum participants will have the opportunity to publish their papers in one of the following journals without publication fee: Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance (EJEF), Eurasian Journal of Business and Management (EJBM), and Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS). The papers will go through a fast blind peer-review process after the forum. All submitted full papers should follow the journals' guidelines. Also, selected papers will be published in Economic Annals Journal.
Abstract submission is open until April 30, 2016 and the registration deadline is June 8, 2016. Acceptance/rejection notifications will be sent to all submitters by May 8, 2016. Please send your abstracts or full papers via email.
EIP-AGRI seminar
The European Commission is organizing a two-day EIP-AGRI seminar on the theme ‘Data revolution: emerging new business models in the agri-food sector’. It will take place on 22-23 June 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and they look for participants!
Farmers, foresters, advisers, researchers, (ict-) entrepreneurs, innovators, and anyone who may have relevant experience and/or ideas exploring the new opportunities offered by the data revolution within the agri-food sector are invited to apply for participation in the seminar.
Here is the call for potential participants:
Last Call for the 15th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development Human Resources Development ![](http://unsa.ba/s/images/stories/FOTKE%20razne/pdf.jpg)
STRANIM DRŽAVLJANIMA ZA 2016/2017. AKADEMSKU GODINU ![](http://unsa.ba/s/images/stories/FOTKE%20razne/pdf.jpg)
Training Seminar for International Electoral Observers ![](http://unsa.ba/s/images/stories/FOTKE%20razne/pdf.jpg)
700 Scholarships Available for the European Forum Alpbach 2016
Students and graduates aged under 30 are invited to apply until March 31, 2016 to participate in all seminars, breakout sessions and plenaries during the upcoming European Forum Alpbach. On top of this, they can apply for summer schools and professional programmes, which offer the unique opportunity to further ones professional development. One of them is the "Summer School on Entrepreneurship" which is aimed at post-docs, PhD students and academics in the fields of technology, mathematics and natural sciences.
All information about scholarship programme is provided on website www.alpbach.org.
Ljetna škola „Interkulturalni menadžment iz skandinavske perspektive“
Diplomatska akademija Beč
Ljetni kurs njemačkog jezika i znanosti o austrijskoj kulturi
Ljetni kurs njemačkog jezika i znanosti o austrijskoj kulturi održat će se od 1. do 26. augusta 2016. godine na Diplomatskoj akademiji u Beču.
Informacije na službenim jezicima u Bosni i Hercegovini možete naći putem web stranice:
40 stipendija za studiranje na visokoobrazovnim institucijama Ruske Federacije
U 2016/2017. školskoj godini, za državljane Bosne i Hercegovine obezbijeđeno je 40 državnih stipendija za studiranje na visokoobrazovnim institucijama Ruske Federacije.
Detaljnija informacija o uslovima prijema objavljena je na ruskom i službenim jezicima BiH na zvaničnoj stranici Ambasade Ruske Federacije (http://www.sarajevo.mid.ru/), u odjeljku „Studiranje u Rusiji“.
Zainteresirani kandidati komplete dokumenata trebaju dostaviti Ambasadi najkasnije do 20. marta 2016. godine.
Call for Papers
Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2016
July 21-22, 2016
Belgrade, Serbia
Hosted by
Faculty of Economics
University of Belgrade
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate in our annual forum which will host well-known academics, journalists, consultants, and practitioners. We aim to become one of the hubs in the Euro-Asia region where participants present research in all major fields and subfields of economics, business, social and political sciences focusing specifically on the Euro-Asia region.
Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business - 2016 will take place on July 21 and 22, 2016 at the Faculty of Economics - University of Belgrade (FoE) in Belgrade, Serbia with the support of Eurasia Business and Economics Society and the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
All the accepted abstracts will be published in the Forum Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). In addition, forum participants will have the opportunity to publish their papers in one of the following journals without publication fee: Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance (EJEF), Eurasian Journal of Business and Management (EJBM), and Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS). The papers will go through a fast blind peer-review process after the forum. All submitted full papers should follow the journals' guidelines. Also, selected papers will be published in Economic Annals Journal.
Abstract submission is open until April 30, 2016 and the registration deadline is June 8, 2016. Acceptance/rejection notifications will be sent to all submitters by May 8, 2016. Please send your abstracts or full papers to
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Invitation to the conference
of the series „Arbitration and Mediation in Theory and Practice”
Nowy Tomyśl, Poland, 22 April 2016
We kindly invite you to the conference of the series “Arbitration and Mediation in Theory and Practice” entitled: "Arbitration and mediation - universal or elite institutions?". The conference will be held on 22 April 2016 in the conference room of “HI-FI” hotel, in Nowy Tomyśl (Poland). The beginning of the conference is at 9 a.m. The participation in the conference is free of charge. Conference languages are English, Russian and Polish.
This annual event is one of the most important ones as concerns arbitration in Poland. Both theoreticians and practitioners of ADR show a keen interest in it, and it is attended by about 200 participants.
Some outstanding Polish and foreign theoreticians and practitioners of arbitration and mediation have announced their participation in the conference.
The detailed programme of the conference will be sent to the participants by 11 April 2016. We ask those interested in participating in the conference to send their applications containing their: first name and surname, details about the institution they represent. The information should be sent by email to:
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or by phone on: + 48 61 44 20 185, + 48 608 080 345.
Stipendije Fonda za međunarodnu saradnju i razvoj Tajvana za master i doktorske programe
Fond za međunarodnu saradnju i razvoj Tajvana (Taiwan International Higher Cooperation and Development Fund – ICDF) nudi stipendije studentima iz Bosne i Hercegovine na jednom od 23 univerziteta na Tajvanu na master i doktorskim programima.
Stipendija pokriva troškove avionske karte, smještaja, školarinu, osiguranje, troškove udžbenika i mjesečni džeparac.
Tekst objavljenog poziva, kao i informacije o postupku apliciranja, te lista ponuđenih master i dosktorskih studija, dostupni su na web adresi:
Program „Best of South East“
Sparkasse Bank dd BiH i ove godine zajedno sa matičnom bankom provodi program „Best of South East“, koji omogućava studentima ekonomskih i pravnih fakulteta iz regiona, da apliciraju po dva osnova. Prvi program podrazumijeva 1 godinu rada u Sparkasse Bank u Graz-u, a drugi program nastavak studija na univerzitetu u Grazu, pod pokroviteljstvom banke.
Krajnji rok za prijavu studenata je 1. 3. 2016. godine.
U okviru programa, studentima je osiguran smještaj u studentskim domovima u Grazu, mjesečni džeparac u iznosu od 420 EUR. Oslobođeni su plaćanja školarine. I mnogi drugi benefiti.
Detaljnije informacije dostupne su na web stranici:
i web stranici Sparkasse Bank:
EnC Summer School 2016/Ljetna Škola Energetske Zajednice 2016 održat će se u Tirani, Albanija. Učešće je besplatno, te su određeni troškovi plaćeni od strane organizatora.
Škola je namijenjena magistrantnima i doktorantima, te mladim stručnjacima iz regiona jugoistočne Evrope i šire. Sama tema škole je energetska efikasnost, te niz drugih podtema koje se vezu za energetsku efikasnost.
Predavači na programu su renomirani stručnjaci i visoko kvalifikovani i prepoznati akademici.
*Posebnu prednost pri apliciranju imaju djevojke/žene.
Više informacija dostupno je na sljedećem linku:
The British Scholarship Trust
Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine preko Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo nas je obavijestilo o raspisanom konkursu britanske fondacije „The British Scholarship Trust“ za stipendiranje mladih stručnjaka iz Bosne i Hercegovine za kratak studijskih boravak u Velikoj Britaniji u akademskoj 2016/2017. godini, uglavnom od 1 do 3 mjeseca. Stipendije su namijenjene postdiplomskim usavršavanjima/istraživanjima u Velikoj Britaniji.
Više podataka o stipendijama, kao i formulare za aplikaciju na engleskom jeziku možete pronaći na web stranici: www.britishscholarshiptrust.org.
Stipendije se dodjeljuju kandidatima iz Bosne i Hercegovine, a preduslovi za kandidiranje su:
- starost: manje od 30 godina;
- u većini slučajeva, studiranje na postdiplomskim programima u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Studenti visokoobrazovnih institucija iz Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine treba da dostave svoje aplikacije sa traženim prilozima na adresu:
Federalno ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke
Sektor za visoko obrazovanje
Za stipendiju fondacije „The British Scholarship Trust“
88000 Mostar
Dr. Ante Starčevića bb
Rok za predaju dokumenata je 26. februar 2016. godine.
Stipendium Hungaricum – studiranje u Mađarskoj
Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine preko Federalnog Ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke i Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo nas je obavijestilo o objavljenom pozivu za podnošenje aplikacija za dodjelu stipendija Stipendium Hungaricum u akademskoj 2016/2017. godini u sklopu Programa obrazovne i kulturne saradnje za period 2014-2016. godina između Ministarstva civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine i Ministarstva ljudskih resursa Mađarske.
Detaljne informacije o pozivu, stipendijama i načinu apliciranja dostupne su na web stranici: www.stipendiumhungaricum.hu i www.tka.hu.
U pozivu se navodi da je za akademsku 2016/2017. godinu na raspolaganju oko 3000 stipendija za gostujuće studente iz više od 40 zemalja svijeta, za prvi, drugi i treći ciklus, uz mogućnost apliciranja i za jednogodišnje pripremne i specijalističke kurseve.
Od ove godine, proces apliciranja se vrši isključivo online, putem linka koji je objavljen na navedenim internet stranicama.
Krajnji rok za podnošenje aplikacija je 1. mart 2016. godine, a finalnu selekciju će vršiti mađarska strana.
Stipendije „Matsumae International Foundation“ iz Tokija za 2017. godinu
Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine preko Federalnog Ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke i Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i mladih Kantona Sarajevo nas je obavijestilo o objavljenom pozivu za podnošenje aplikacija za program stipendiranja fondacije „Matsumae International“ iz Tokija za 2017. godinu za postdoktorska istraživanja u trajanju od 3 do 6 mjeseci.
Istraživački program stipendiranja je predviđen prvenstveno za oblast prirodnih nauka, medicine i inženjeringa, a kandidati moraju imati doktorat i biti mlađi od 49 godina.
Mjesečni iznos stipendije je 220.000 japanskih jena (oko 3.400 KM), obezbijeđena je povratna avionska karta i zdravstveno osiguranje. Stipendistima će biti dodijeljena i početna suma od 120.000 japanskih jena (oko 1.800 KM) za pronalazak smještaja i pokrivanje troškova lokalnog prevoza.
Rok za dostavu aplikacija direktno Fondaciji „Matsumae International“ je 31. avgust 2016. godine, a informacije o ovom programu i načinu apliciranja su dostupne na internet stranici http://mif-japan.org.
Upis na međuuniverzitetski master studij Diplomatske škole Kraljevine Španije
Počeo je konkurs za upis na međuuniverzitetski master studij iz oblasti diplomatije i međunarodnih odnosa Diplomatske škole Kraljevine Španije u školskoj 2016/2017. godini. Broj mjesta koji će biti ravnomjerno raspoređen među stranim i domaćim studentima je 150.
Strani kandidati trebaju da ispune formular prijave koji će biti objavljen na stranici Diplomatske škole – www.maec.es. Pored toga, strani kandidati trebaju predati svoju prijavu do 1. marta 2016. godine.
U prijavi je potrebno izričito navesti gdje kandidat želi da polaže ispit – u Diplomatskoj školi, ambasadi ili generalnom konzulatu Kraljevine Španije.
Internacionalna ljetna škola u Oslu, Norveška
Internacionalna ljetna škola u Oslu (ISS), u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Oslu organizuje kurseve norveškog jezika, kulture i društva u periodu od 25. 6. 2016. do 5. 8. 2016. godine.
Rok za podnošenje aplikacija je 1. 2. 2016. godine, a apliciranje se vrši direktno putem stranice Søknadsweb: https://fsweb.no/sokweb/login.jsf?inst=ntnu
ISS tradicionalno organizuje intenzivne kurseve od 1947. godine, a do sada su u predmetnoj ljetnoj školi učestvovali i studenti iz Bosne i Hercegovine.
BEST OF SOUTH-EAST Scholarship Program 2016/2017
In the context of the Best of South-East scholarship program students or recent alumni of economics, business or law at universities in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (F.Y.R.O.M.) will be given the opportunity to complete a trainee program or an internship program at the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank. Courses at the University of Graz will round off the academic training and education of the students. The program's aim is to provide the target groups mentioned above with international further education opportunities, work experience as well as training. Furthermore, a trainee program or internship makes it easier for students to enter professional life. Candidates selected for the program will be enrolled at the University of Graz as exchange students.
Details concerning the program and the application process can be found at:
In case you are interested in the program, please check the program website to see whether you are eligible to apply. If that is the case send the relevant information (as also indicated on the website) to receive the application code!
Further information: Mag. Christa Grassauer (Büro für Internationale Beziehungen, Universität Graz), Tel. 0316/380-1254,
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Application Deadline: 01.03.2016 (Receiving deadline for complete application at University of Graz)
Poziv za prijave za učešće na Model European Union Strasbourg (MEUS) 2016, EU simulaciju koja se dešava u samom Evropskom parlamentu, otvoren je do 11. januara 2016. godine za sve mlade osobe uzrasta od 18 do 26 godina.
Model European Union Strasbourg je jedinstvena simulacija procesa odlučivanja i politike Evropske Unije, koje se održava svake godine u Strasbourg-u, gradu koji predstavlja simbol mira i demokratije u Evropi.
Konferencija okuplja 200 visoko motiviranih studenata i mladih profesionalaca, nudeći im ekskluzivnu priliku da se upoznaju sa funkcionisanjem evropskih institucija u samom Evropskom parlamentu. Na ovu konferenciju dobrodošli su mladi sa studija iz svih oblasti, od studenata prava, međunarodnih odnosa, političkih nauka, do historije, medija, te jezičkih studija.
Sama simulacija uključuje debatu na dvije legislativne teme iz stvarnog života, sačinjene od strane Evropske komisije, te se simulira donošenje zakona unutar EU stavljajući se u uloge članova Evropskog parlamenta ili članova Vijeća EU. Međutim, kako bi simulacija bila što realnija, učesnici mogu preuzeti i uloge lobista, novinara, te prevodilaca. Upravo zato, MEUS predstavlja jedinstven proces učenja koji je fokusiran na dinamiku funkcionisanja EU institucija pri donošenju EU zakona.
Aplikacije za MEUS otvorene su i za mlade osobe iz Bosne i Hercegovine, uzrasta od 18 do 26 godina, a aplikaciju je potrebno poslati putem interneta najkasnije do 11. januara 2016. godine. Neophodno je izabrati ulogu za koju se želi prijaviti, te na osnovu uloge priložiti dodatne dokumente kao što su CV, motivaciono pismo, esej na jednu od zadatih tema, reference i portfolio. Participanti sami snose troškove učešća u visini od 150 EUR, te troškove putovanja.
Detaljne informacije o tome kako aplicirati mogu se pronaći na zvaničnoj web stranici www.meu-strasbourg.org ili MEUS Facebook Fan Page-u (https://www.facebook.com/meustrasbourg/). Također, zainteresovani mogu kontaktirati predstavnike Inicijativne grupe Alpbach u Sarajevu, koja je zvanični partner MEUS za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, putem emaila:
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te IGAS Facebook Fan Page-a (https://www.facebook.com/IG.Alpbach.Sarajevo/) ili web stranice www.igas.ba.
13th NEWS Conference
Hubei University of Technology (HBUT) will host the 13th NEWS Conference in Wuhan, China, from Oct. 17-21, 2016.
The theme of the conference is:
University-Industry Cooperation from the Perspective of Globalization and Internet+
Your participation, papers and presentation will be warmly welcomed.
Please respond before Jan. 31, 2016.
Registration form
Godišnja naučna nagrada „Ibn Sina“
Naučnoistraživački institut u Sarajevu u čast čuvenoga iranskog filozofa, liječnika i naučnika čije ime i nosi, odlučio je ustanoviti Godišnju naučnu nagradu „Ibn Sina“. Ovom nagradom želimo potaknuti i podržati bosanskohercegovačke autore, naučne istraživače i studente postdiplomskih studija. Nagrada se dodjeljuje za naučni rad, studiju ili magistarsku/doktorsku tezu, i to iz jednog od tri polja:
• Islamska filozofija,
• Komparativna filozofija – uporedno proučavanje islamske i zapadne filozofije,
• Znanost i etika
Nagrada uključuje novčani iznos od 5000 KM (pet hiljada KM) i plaketu.
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane autore, istraživače, profesore i studente da nam dostave sažetke i/ili integralne tekstove svojih radova koje su napisali i/ili objavili u prethodne dvije godine.
Radove je moguće dostaviti u tiskanoj formi, direktno ili putem pošte na adresu Instituta, ali i u elektronskoj formi putem elektronske pošte. Obavezno naznačiti Za Godišnju nagradu „Ibn Sina“. Neophodno je uz rad poslati osobne podatke i kratku biografiju, uz e-mail adresu i broj telefona.
Rok za prijave i slanje radova je 15.01.2016. godine, a prispjele radove će pregledati i nagrađeni rad izabrati poseban naučno-stručni žiri Instituta.
Uručenje nagrade bit će upriličeno na prigodnoj manifestaciji, uz prisustvo predstavnika akademske i kulturne javnosti.
Adresa Instituta: Naučnositraživački institut „Ibn Sina“, ul. Potok 24, 71000 Sarajevo
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Međunarodna nagrada međureligijskog dijaloga Doha 2016.
Međunarodni centar za međureligijski dijalog iz Dohe (DICID) odlučio je da po treći put dodjeli Međunarodnu nagradu međureligijskog dijaloga Doha 2016. pod nazivom „Strategije zaštite duhovne i intelektualne bezbjednosti ... buduća očekivanja“, te obavještava da je prijava za nagradu otvorena do 31. 12. 2015. godine.
Svi zainteresirani za učešće na ovom natječaju mogu posjetiti zvanični internet stranicu Međunarodnog centra za međureligijski dijalog www.dicid.org kako bi se upoznali sa uslovima učešća i ispunili potrebne formulare.
Appel à projets 2016
Poziv za prijavu projekata u okviru Dunavskog transnacionalnog programa
Otvoren je prvi poziv za prijavu projekata u okviru Dunavskog transnacionalnog programa – Danube Transnational Programme.
Zimska škola Istanbul Aydin univerziteta
Istanbul Aydin univerzitet organizira zimsku školu „Delightful Istanbul & Antalya Winter School“ u periodu između 16. i 30. januara 2016. godine.
Zimska škola obuhvaća 5 kurseva i veoma bogat program kulturnih aktivnosti.
Mogućnosti finansiranja za socijalne inovacije u međunarodnoj saradnji i razvoju
Stipendije za doktorske i postdoktorske studije i istraživačke projekte u Švicarskoj
Vlada Švicarske Konfederacije putem Komisije za dodjelu stipendija stranim studentima (ESKAS) objavljuje konkurs za stipendije (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship) za akademsku 2016/2017. godinu.
Stipendije su namijenjene za doktorske, postdoktorske studije i istraživačke projekte u Švicarskoj. Konkursom nisu obuhvaćeni Bachelor i Master studiji, kao ni studiji umjetnosti.
Priručnik za partnerske visokoobrazovne institucije koje učestvuju
u KA1 Erasmus+ međunarodnim projektima
Reference Guide for Partner Country HEIs selected for KA1 - Erasmus+
International Credit Mobility projects
PhD Programmes at the University of Torino
The University of Torino is pleased to invite interested students to apply for the following PhD positions:
• Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences
• Archaeological, Historical and Historical-Artistic Sciences
• Arts and Humanities
• Bioengineering and medical and surgical sciences
• Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnologies
• Biomedical Sciences and Oncology
• Business and Management
• Chemical and Material Sciences
• Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law
• Complex Systems for Life Sciences
• Computer Science
• Digital Humanities. Digital Technologies, Arts, Languages, Cultures and Communication
• Earth Sciences
• Economics “Vilfredo Pareto”
• Experimental Medicine and Therapy
• Law and Institutions
• Law, Person and Market
• Medical Physiopathology
• Molecular Medicine
• Neurosciences
• Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences
• Philosophy – Consortium FINO
• Physics and Astrophysics
• Psychological, Anthropological and Educational Sciences
• Pure and applied Mathematics
• Social and Political Change
• Sociology and Methodology of Social Research
• Urban and Regional Development
• Veterinary Sciences for Food and Animal Safety
• The application procedure for admission to the next PHD programs -starting in October 2015 - is now open
• There are 29 PhD Programmes available
• 10% positions with scholarship are reserved to candidates with international qualifications
• International candidates can conduct the programme in English
• Duration of Programme: 3 years and 4 years for medical disciplines
• Start of courses: 1 October 2015
• Deadline for applications: July 2015
For more information, please visit http://en.unito.it/research/phd/phd-programmes.
Course on Conservation of Built Heritage 2016
Dates: 4 March - 29 April 2016
Place: Rome, Italy
ICCROM is pleased to announce the sixth training course on Conservation of Built Heritage in Rome. ICCROM has been a pioneer in organizing courses in heritage conservation since 1965 including the Architectural Conservation Course (ARC) and many other regular courses and most recently the course on Conservation of Built Heritage for five consecutive intervals since 2007. In designing this course, ICCROM has drawn from this experience, evaluation results and considered the most recent international trends and thinking related to conservation of the built heritage, including buildings, sites, historic centres and cultural landscapes.
The course aims at serving a wide range of conservation practitioners and decision makers by placing technical issues within the broader conservation context in order to link them to planning and management concerns. The first part of the course will consist of an overview of the current practices of defining heritage, evolution of different concepts and key approaches currently used in built heritage conservation. The second part of the course will focus on the planning and management issues pertaining to the conservation decision making process. The third part of the course will focus more closely on technical issues including documentation, conditions assessments and various treatments plus interpretation and public access. The final week of the course may be devoted to one-week module on a selected theme related to World Heritage which also has implications on heritage conservation and management in general.
At the conclusion of the course, participants will have a better understanding of critical processes in conservation in order to apply them at the macro/micro levels; improve their strategic planning skills relevant to heritage management; expand their awareness, knowledge, and understanding of current principles and practices in conservation of the built heritage; and enhance skills, judgments, and experience.
Training will be based on a multiple activity model including lectures, case studies, practical hands-on exercises, site visits, group work, and classroom discussions. Participants will need to be active and involved during three stages: pre-course preparation, course attendance, and post-course follow-up, networking, and monitoring. During the course, participants will be considered as key resources by sharing their own knowledge and experiences, presenting case studies, participating in course discussions, and participating in group work and hands- on exercises.
The course is open to a maximum of 20 participants with at least four years of experience actively involved in the conservation of built heritage. Mid-career professionals and other decision makers in conservation from different disciplines (architects, archaeologists, engineers, planners, site managers, etc.), either in a position to influence practice or having the potential to do so in the short or medium term, are eligible. Those in a position to carry the messages of the course to a broad audience (for example, trainers who are able to reach a large audience over time) are encouraged to apply.
Teaching Team
Teaching staff will be composed of recognized heritage conservation professionals having both practical and theoretical experience. They will represent the broadest possible international perspectives in their fields of expertise, and at the same time will be able to bring specific knowledge in order to fulfill each of the course components. In addition they will represent excellence covering a wide geographical scope.
English is the working language of the course. Candidates must have strong communication and writing skills in English. A certificate of language will be requested, if English is not your first language or if you have not carried out graduate studies in English.
Course fee: € 900
Travel, Accommodation and Living Expenses
Participants will be responsible for their round trip travel costs to and from Rome. In order to cover accommodation and living expenses in Rome during the course, participants should plan for a minimum amount of 3,000 Euros for two months. Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek financial support from sources such as governmental institutions, employers and funding agencies. In cases of proven financial need, and depending on the availability of funding from external sources at the time of the course, a limited number of partial scholarships may be granted.
Certificate of Attendance
Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion of the course. Participants are expected to attend all lectures and activities over the full length of the course.
Please fill the ICCROM application form (obtainable from ICCROM's web site) and send it together with the documents below to the email address:
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. In the event that it is not possible to provide a scanned version of the necessary photographs and signatures, it will be necessary to send a paper copy.
- A full professional curriculum vitae (in English)
- A brief report (3-5 pages) answering the following questions:
Describe a conservation project for which you are or have been actively involved. Include the appropriate contextual background (objectives, partners, support, etc.), a description of difficulties encountered, and the strategic responses developed.
In addition to the project described above, what other case studies might you be able to share during your participation in the course?
What do you consider as your major achievement in the field of conservation of immovable cultural heritage?
ICCROM - Sites Unit
Via di San Michele 13
I-00153, Rome, ITALY
Tel: +39 06 58553 1
Fax: +39 06 58553349
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Web Site: www.iccrom.org
Application deadline
Applications should reach ICCROM by 28 August 2015 to ensure inclusion in our selection process.
(Implementation of the course will be subjected to the approval of the ICCROM General Assembly that will be held in November 2015)
One Month Visits to Austria
Call open!
Deadline for submissions is 30 July, 2015.
The main purpose of the scholarship is to enable scientific staff of universities to do research at Austrian universities in the context of master or doctoral studies (an age limit of 40 years applies). targeted countries: Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
The role of WUS Austria is to promote the program and provide information to interested persons; further information can also be obtained at the Institute of International Law and International Relations/University of Graz, which is in charge of selecting the candidates. Implementation of the program is carried out by the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD-GmbH), which takes care of accommodation arrangements and payment of the grant. The grant letter sent by the OeAD-GmbH can be used for obtaining a visa if applicable.
For the application form, contact details and further information on the program please take a look at the section "Important Documents & Links" above.
CEI - SEEMO natječaj za istraživačko novinarstvo 2015.
Centralnoeuropska inicijativa (CEI) i Udruženje medija Jugoistočne Europe (SEEMO), u partnerstvu s Programom za medije Jugoistočne Europe Konrad - Adenauer - Stiftung (KAS), objavili su natječaj za dodjelu nagrada u 2015. godini za naročite zasluge u istraživačkome novinarstvu, uprkos teškim uvjetima u kojima novinari djeluju.
Natječaj je podijeljen u dvije kategorije: "Professional journalists" (nagrada 4.000 eura) i "Young professional journalists” (nagrada 1.000 eura).
Nagrade će biti dodijeljene tijekom South East Europe Media Forum-a (SEEMF), koji će se održati u Bukureštu, 5-7. 11. 2015. godine.
Kandidati iz Albanije, Austrije, Bjelorusije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Crne Gore, Češke Republike, Hrvatske, Italije, Mađarske, Makedonije, Moldavije, Poljske, Rumunjske, Slovačke, Slovenije, Srbije i Ukrajine pozvani su da se prijave na natječaj.
Kandidati trebaju biti nominirani od strane zaslužnih pojedinaca, novinarstva i medijskih organizacija, medijskih kuća, organizacija civilnog društva, škola novinarstva ili sveučilišta, sindikata i drugih društvenih organizacija iz navedenih zemalja.
Međunarodni žiri, sastavljen od respektabilnih novinara i medijskih stručnjaka, pregledat će prijave, uzimajući u obzir važnost pitanja obuhvaćenih izvješćima, koja se trebaju usredotočiti na navedene zemlje, kao i na kvalitetu izvještavanja u smislu dokumentacije, podataka, pisanja i produkcije.
Također, ocjenjivat će se i osobni rizici nastali pri obavljanju dužnosti, kao i utjecaj na društvo.
Detaljne informacije mogu se dobiti na web stranici: www.cei.int ili na e-mail adresi:
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Zainteresirani kandidati trebaju dostaviti ispunjen prijavni list na naznačenu adresu najkasnije do 30. 5. 2015. godine.
US Scholarships and Continuing Education in USA Info Session
Within the regular info campaign that US Embassy representatives organize each academic year, the info session will be held in UNSA Senate’s hall on Wednesday 13 May 2015, starting at 11:00. The scholarships, bilateral academic exchange programs offered by the US Government and opportunities to continue education in US will be presented.
We invite UNSA students, employees and faculty members to attend the event, during which they will receive all necessary information regarding the possibilities of further studies in the United States, Fulbright and other academic program competition calls that are continuous and fully funded by the US government and administered with the help of the US Embassy in Sarajevo and its Department of Public Affairs, Section for Education and Culture.
Invitation to attend
the 11th Annual International Symposium
on Environment, Climate Change and Global Warming
Časopis za društvenu i humanističku misao ,,Noema“
Uređivački odbor časopisa za društvenu i humanističku misao ,,Noema“ i Savez studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Banjoj Luci, pozivaju sve diplomce i postdiplomce da učestvuju sa autorskim radovima u prvoj publikaciji pomenutog časopisa. Sa svojim radovima ćete omogućiti ostvarenje ideje da časopis ,,Noema“ postane mjesto prožimanja različitih iskustava, metodoloških pristupa i aktuelnih problema sa kojima se različite sredine suočavaju.
Uređivački odbor se opredijelio da učesnicima ponudi veliku slobodu pri izradi njihovih radova tako što se odlučio da brojeve ne ograničava zatvarajući ih u uske tematske cjeline, smatrajući da je to način da se javnosti iznesu različita iskustva i pristupi. Zbog toga je autorima ostavljena mogućnost da se odluče za jednu od dvije mogućnosti. Naime, prvi dio časopisa se odnosi na naučnu kritiku (polemika, rasprava), koja bi za cilj imala da ukaže na tendencije u društvu, da promoviše kulturu i da podstiče intelektualni dijalog. Drugi dio časopisa predstavljaju originalni istraživački radovi, stručni radovi i prikazi.
Iako je časopis namijenjen, prije svega, osobama sa diplomskih i postdiplomskih studija, radove mogu slati i druge osobe koje su u svom poslu u bliskoj vezi sa društvenom i humanističkom djelatnošću.
Upustvo autorima
1. Priloge treba pisati osnovnim Times New Roman fontom, veličinom slova 12, osim naslova.
2. Uputno je da obim radova bude sljedeći za pojedine vrste priloga:
- originalni istraživački radovi i stručni radovi – maksimalno 15 kompjuterskih strana;
- naučna kritika (polemika, rasprava) – maksimalno 5 kompjuterskih strana;
- prikazi – do 5 kompjuterskih strana.
3. Sve reference (napomene, navođenje izvora, upućivanje i slično) treba da stoje u fusnoti, tako da ne opterećuju čitaoca u osnovnom tekstu.
4. Pregled izvora i literature navesti iza teksta.
5. U prilogu sa radom treba da se navedu i podaci: ime i prezime autora, osnovne biografske podatke i elektronsku adresu.
6. Sve priloge slati završene u elektronskoj formi na e-mail adresu:
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do 1. 6. 2015. godine
7. Dostavljene priloge za objavljivanje ne vraćamo i ne nudimo novčanu naknadu.
8. Oni autori priloga koji prođu recenziju naknadno će morati dostaviti formular kojim potvrđuju da je navedeni prilog autorski i da ranije nije nigdje objavljivan.
Takaful 2015
Fifth Annual Conference on Arab Philanthropy and Civic Engagement
The John D. Gerhart Center is currently accepting abstract submissions for its Fifth Annual Conference on Philanthropy and Civic Engagement, which will be held in Abu Dhabi, UAE on November 11-12, 2015.
Takaful is an annual regional meeting of scholars, young researchers, policy-makers, activists and practitioners in the field of philanthropy and civic engagement, both from within and outside the Arab region. The conference is structured to encourage interaction between scholarly analysis and lived experience, with the hope of contributing to sound policy and practice in philanthropy and civic engagement.
Takaful 2015 will be hosted by the Gerhart Center in cooperation with the CSR division of Al Ahly Holding group.
Interested researchers are invited to submit an abstract for their paper by June 5, 2015: http://conf.aucegypt.edu/Conferences/ConfHome.aspx?Conf=Takaful2015&Title=Call%20for%20papers
For more information on thematic areas covered this year and abstract submission process: http://conf.aucegypt.edu/Conferences/ConfHome.aspx?Conf=Takaful2015&Title=Home
Stipendije Vlade Arapske Republike Egipat
Ambasada Arapske Republike Egipat u Sarajevu, posredstvom Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, obavještava da Vlada AR Egipat i Univerzitet Al-Azhar nude 23 stipendije za studente iz Bosne i Hercegovine koji žele studirati na egipatskim univerzitetima u akademskoj 2015/2016. godini:
• 3 stipendije za dodiplomske studije,
• 3 stipendije za postdiplomske studije,
• 3 stipendije za učenje arapskog jezika,
• 14 stipendija na Institutu Al-Azhar.
Sve dodatne informacije o stipendijama zainteresirani kandidati mogu dobiti kontaktirajući Ambasadu Arapske Republike Egipat u Sarajevu na tel: 033 666 498.
Aplikacije se podnose Ambasadi AR Egipat najkasnije do 15. 6. 2015. godine.
Stipendije Vlade Republike Slovačke
Ambasada Republike Slovačke u Sarajevu, posredstvom Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, obavještava da je Vlada Republike Slovačke odobrila stipendije za studente iz Bosne i Hercegovine koji žele studirati na slovačkim univerzitetima u akademskoj 2015/2016. godini.
Aplikacije i potrebna dokumenta, uz pismo podrške Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, zainteresirani studenti predaju elektronskim putem na web stranici www.vladnestipendia.sk, a za tehničku podršku mogu se obratiti na e-mail:
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(kontakt telefon: 00421907551404).
Aplikacije koje ne budu poslane elektronskim putem neće biti razmatrane. Originalna dokumenta se predaju po dolasku na studij u Slovačku, bez kojih se stipendija neće isplaćivati.
Rok za elektronsku registraciju je 28. maj 2015. godine.
Više informacija o studiranju i stipendijama Vlade Slovačke mogu se naći na www.studyin.sk.
International conference „Enhancing Understanding of Enhancement“
The Center for the Study of Bioethics and The Hastings Center are organizing in collaboration with each other the international conference "Enhancing Understanding of Enhancement". The conference will be held at the Center for the Study of Bioethics in Belgrade on 27 and 28 October 2015. It will explore various issues pertaining to enhancement, including our understanding of enhancement, genetically engineered enhancement, cognitive enhancement, moral enhancement, bioenhancement in general... The keynote speakers will be John Harris and Erik Parens.
Those who wish to contribute with a paper presentation should send us a filled out abstract submission form (http://www.csb.eu.com/conference/?page_id=13). All themes dealing with the issue of human enhancement are welcome. Those who wish to chair a session should write an email message with the subject title "Chairing a session". The message should contain a biographical note of up to 150 words, clearly specifying the field(s) of expertise of the candidate interested in chairing a session. Abstract submission forms and expressions of interest in chairing sessions should be sent no later than 30 May 2015 to
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Notifications of acceptance will be emailed no later than 12 June 2015.
For abstract submission forms, the conference program, registration fees,
accommodation and all other information that is relevant to the event we organize,
please visit regularly our conference website
"Enhancing Understanding of Enhancement"
CSB (http://www.csb.eu.com/index_en.html)
in collaboration with
The Hastings Center (http://www.thehastingscenter.org/)
Belgrade, 27-28 October 2015
Conference website: http://www.csb.eu.com/conference/
1st Call for Papers - 26th DAAAM International Symposium 2015 and Scientific Book
1st Call for participation in 4th International
Doctoral School 2015
Deadline for 1st call: 2015-06-01
The 26th DAAAM Symposium will be held in Zadar, Croatia, EU, during the period 21st-24th October 2015. Symposium will be hosted at the University of Zadar in Croatia, EU. For a closer look you can go to the Gallery (http://daaam.info/?page_id=2098).
First step: If you want to take a part in any of DAAAM activities during 2015, you must apply for DAAAM Membership 2015 (http://daaam.info/?page_id=1816).
Second step: All authors have to submit an abstract for compability check (http://daaam.info/?page_id=6286).
The call for papers are announced for:
1) The 26th DAAAM International Symposium
The 26th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation. For more infomation click (http://daaam.info/?page_id=991).
2) 14th DAAAM International Scientific Book 2015
DAAAM International Scientific Book is a very successful project. If you want to present your research project and newest results as a chapter of DAAAM International Scientific Book 2015 - you are welcome. Find more information about DAAAM Scientific Book (http://daaam.info/?page_id=1168).
Call for the participation in 4th DAAAM International Doctoral School
4th DAAAM International Doctoral School will be organized during DAAAM week 2015-10-18/25. Main organizers are DAAAM International, International Academy of Engineering, Festo and Network of partner universities and institutions. The main target of the School is to support development of doctoral students to doctors of technical sciences. Advanced topics will cover wide range from: How to be a doctor of technical sciences, creative problem solving, over case studies till personal consultations and discussions with leading international scientists and researchers. During last two years we had 25-30 doctoral students and about 30 teachers from about 15 countries. The number of students and doctor fathers / teachers is limited. Successful participants will get a diploma from including 4 ECTS points.
Festo Scholarship and Festo Prize: Young researchers and scientists are welcome to take place in the competitions for Festo Scholarship for doctoral students at 4th Doctoral School. Since many years company Festo gives prizes as significant financial supports for best young authors for attending symposium and presenting of their research results.
All relevant information about the Doctoral School is available (http://daaam.info/?page_id=5140).
RUB Evropski dijalog – poziv za učešće
Institut für Deutschlandforschung iz Bochuma, Njemačka, poziva sve zainteresirane studente na doktorskom studiju, kao i kandidate na postdoktorskom istraživanju iz zemalja Istočne Evrope, ali i iz Njemačke i ostalih evropskih zemalja, da uzmu učešće u novom programu stipendiranja. Tema projekta je Europe as a crisis and discourse: ideas check – venture practice – responsibility. Projekat se sastoji od tri ljetne škole (u trajanju od 24 radna dana) u Bochumu od 2015. do 2017. godine, kao i od četiri međunarodne radionice (u trajanju od 3 do 4 radna dana) na različitim evropskim univerzitetima. Učesnici će tokom održavanja ljetnih škola i dvije od ukupno četiri radionice primiti stipendije sa predviđenim troškovima smještaja i prevoza (ljetna škola: 1.400,00 eura, radionica: 600,00 eura).
Više informacija na:
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialised United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas in developing countries.
Job Description
Lead Technical Specialist - Rural Markets and Enterprises (1 position)
Deadline for applications: 05/20/2015
Vacancy published on:
Poziv za studente na Dane otvorenih vrata „Budućnost za našu prošlost 1975-2015“ povodom Međunarodnog dana spomenika i spomeničkih cjelina
U okviru obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana spomenika i spomeničkih cjelina Komisija za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika BiH organizira „Dane otvorenih vrata" namijenjene studentima, učenicima i drugim zainteresovanim građanima u petak 17. aprila 2015. godine, u vremenu od 14 do 16 sati.
Tom prigodom, planiran je slijedeći program:
• 14:00 - 14:10 - Predstavljanje Komisije za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika - saradnica za odnose s javnošću, Inka Peršić
• 14:10 - 14:50 - Prezentacija „Integrirana zaštita naslijeđa — Budućnost za našu prošlost 1975-2015" - predsjedavajuća Komisije za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika, dr. sc. Amra Hadžimuhamedović, dipl. ing. arh.
• 14:40 - 15:10 - Prezentacija „Upotreba drveta u historijskim strukturama vernakularne arhitekture" - izvršni dužnosnik Komisije za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika, mr. sc. Mirzah Fočo, dipl. ing. arh.
• 15:10 16.00 - Obilazak Prostorija Komisije i razgovor sa stručnjacima u Komisiji i sa specijalnim gostom Komisije (4 sprat).
U sklopu dana otvorenih vrata, biće organiziran obilazak Bibliotečko-dokumentacionog centra (BDC) Komisije za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika koji raspolaže sa 5.000 bibliotečkih jedinica raspoređenih u monografske fondove, serijske publikacije, projektne fondove, CD-teku, te više od 2.000 knjiga stručne literature i sl.
Predavanja će biti upriličena u zgradi Doma sindikata BiH (Obala Kulina bana 1, Sarajevo) u sali br. 2 na prvom spratu s početkom u 14 sati, a posjeta BDC-u Komisije nakon predavanja na četvrtom spratu u sjedištu Komisije. Ovaj vid saradnje sa fakultetima kako u BiH, tako i inostranstvu predstavlja dio aktivnosti koje Komisija provodi u cilju promocije BH kulturno-historijskog naslijeđa i njegovog očuvanja.
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane studente.
8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
ICERI2015, the 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation will be held in Seville (Spain), on the 16th, 17th and 18th of November, 2015.
At ICERI2015 you will be able to present your projects and discuss your experiences in the field of Teaching and learning methodologies, educational projects and innovations and new technologies applied to Education and Research.
ICERI2015 will provide an ideal platform to put in common the latest education practices providing an atmosphere for strategic networking opportunities.
Come and experience one of the largest international education conference attended by participants from all over the world. This conference will be held at international level. Every year, ICERI brings together more than 700 delegates from 80 different countries.
You are invited to submit your abstract proposal to contribute to ICERI2015 (in person or virtually) with your experiences and projects in the area of education, research and innovation. The deadline for abstracts submission is 16th of July, 2015.
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at http://iceri2015.org/online_submission
ICERI2015 Organising Committee
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Website: http://iceri2015.org
Stipendium Hungaricum – Stipendije Republike Mađarske
U okviru Programa obrazovne i kulturne saradnje između Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Mađarske za period 2014. – 2016. godine, Ministarstvu civilnih poslova dostavljen je III Poziv za podnošenje aplikacija da dodjelu stipendija Stipendium Hungaricum u akademskoj 2015/2016. godini (prvi semestar).
U akademskoj 2015/2016. godini bit će dostupno ukupno 50 stipendija za I i II ciklus studija za bosanskohercegovačke studente, iz oblasti agrikulture, prirodnih, tehničkih, tehnoloških i ekonomskih nauka, te stipendije za doktorski studij na engleskom jeziku iz svih oblasti studija.
Aplikanti moraju najprije lično izvršiti registraciju i podnijeti aplikaciju putem internet stranice www.stipendiumhungaricum.hu, a ista dokumentacija koja je navedena na stranici, uključujući aplikacioni formular, treba biti dostavljena na
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do 25. 04. 2015. godine. Nakon toga će ove aplikacije biti upućene MSP BiH, koje će zvaničnu listu nominovanih kandidata dostaviti mađarskoj strani, koja će izvršiti selekciju i evaluaciju aplikacija, te dodjelu stipendija.
Aplikacije moraju biti na engleskom jeziku, a nepotpune i neblagovremeno dostavljene aplikacije neće biti uzete u obzir.
Studijski programi (excel)
Aplikacijski formular (pdf)
Stručno usavršavanje na KPMG u Rumuniji
Poziv za dostavu prijava
Studenti ekonomskih nauka na master studiju koji su upisani na jedan od univerziteta u Albaniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Mađarskoj, Latviji, Litvaniji, Makedoniji, Moldaviji, Poljskoj, Srbiji, Slovačkoj ili Ukrajini pozivaju se na stručno usavršavanje na KPMG u Rumuniji.
Stažiranje će se odvijati na KPMG u Bukureštu, Rumunija, i trajaće 6 mjeseci, od oktobra do marta 2015. godine. Po završetku stažiranja će najboljim kandidatima biti ponuđena mogućnost da se priključe grupi KPMG.
U stipendiju su uključeni:
• Mjesečni džeparac od 570 eura
• Putni troškovi
• Boravak
• Osiguranje
Poziv je otvoren do 15. maja 2015. godine. Više informacija možete pronaći na: http://www.auf.org/bureau-europe-centrale-et-orientale/appels-offre-regionales/appel-candidatures-pour-des-stages-dinsertion-prof/.
Olimpija ljetna akademija 2015
Obavještavamo vas da će se u periodu od 13. do 23. jula 2015. godine, u gradu Nafplio, Grčka, održati Olimpija ljetna akademija 2015 iz Politike i Međunarodnih studija.
Akademija ima za cilj da okupi diplomirane studente, mlade istraživače i praktikante, kako bi diskutovali i razmijenili teorije, istraživanja i najbolje prakse, i podstakli na dijalog o pitanjima vezanim za konflikte i političko nasilje, religiju i politiku, filozofiju, historiju i sociologiju međunarodnih odnosa, terorizam i protivterorizam, političku analizu rizika, i nacionalizam i etničke politike. Učesnici će imati mogućnost pohađanja intenzivnog programa predavanja istaknutih članova akademske i naučne zajednice.
Poziv za učesnike i dodatne informacije mogu se naći na web stranici
www.olympiasummeracademy.org. Za sve ostale informacije kontaktirajte
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, (+30 2310) 260 322, 260 332.
Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je 30. april 2015. godine.
Stipendija Alpen-Adria Univerziteta u Klagenfurtu
Alpen-Adria Univerzitet u Klagenfurtu dodjeljuje stipendiju jednom studentu Univerziteta u Sarajevu u zimskom semestru 2015/2016. godine. Stipendija uključuje mjesečnu naknadu u iznosu od 500 eura (od 1. oktobra 2015. do 31. januara 2016. godine).
Ova stipendija je omogućena s ciljem da se omogući pristup programima razmjene za studente koji si ne mogu priuštiti da u okviru svog studija provedu jedan semestar u Austriji.
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane studente da dostave sljedeće dokumente (na engleskom ili njemačkom jeziku):
- Prijepis ocjena
- Motivaciono pismo
- Pismo preporuke
- Dokaz o poznavanju stranog jezika (B2 nivo, engleski ili njemački jezik)
Stipendisti će moći realizovati stipendiju u glavnom kampusu u Klagenfurtu ili u kampusu u Beču (u kampusu u Beču se prihvataju isključivo studenti na master studiju).
Prijave se dostavljaju Službi za međunarodnu saradnju Univerziteta u Sarajevu (Obala Kulina bana 7/II, 71000 Sarajevo) do 30. aprila 2015. godine. Služba za međunarodnu saradnju će nominovati kandidate, a konačnu odluku o dodjeli stipendije će donijeti Univerzitet u Klagenfurtu.
Dobitnici stipendije su dužni:
- Ostvariti minimalno 12 ECTS na Univerzitetu u Klagenfurtu
- priložiti konačni izvještaj (minimalno 700 riječi) Uredu za međunarodnu saradnju Univerziteta u Klagenfurtu.
University of Dayton Peace Accords Fellowship
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords, the University of Dayton will award a one-year scholarship (covering the full cost of tuition, room and board) to three students from Bosnia and Herzegovina (of Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian nationality) to study on our campus.
Application Procedure
Stipendije za cijeli master studij u Republici Indoneziji
U okviru programa Developing Countries Partnership (KNB), vlada Republike Indonezije nudi stipendiju za cijeli master studij studentima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Studentima je omogućen odabir jednog od univerziteta u Indoneziji, gdje će realizirati svoju stipendiju. Stipendija u potpunosti prekriva troškove studija, smještaja, osiguranja i puta.
Više informacija je dostupno na web stanici www.knb.dikti.go.id, putem e-maila:
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ili u prostorijama Ambasade Republike Indonezije u Sarajevu, tel: 033 568 510, e-mail:
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KNB Scholarship Application Guidance
Poziv za pripravnike volontere – Institute for Security and Defence Analyses
Institut za bezbjednost i odbrambene analize ISDA (Institute for Security and Defence Analyses) iz Atine nas obavještava da priprema program Eastern Mediteranian Observatory kako bi vršio nadgledanje geopolitičkih i drugih aktuelnih zbivanja u regionu u trajanju od 12 mjeseci.
U tom smislu se traže 4 pripravnika sa naučnim stepenom doktora nauka iz oblasti društvenih nauka da se uključe kao naučni analitičari na Institutu.
Krajnji rok za dostavu aplikacija je 1. maj 2015., a istraživački projekat počinje 1. juna 2015.
Detaljnije informacije, uslovi i aplikacioni materijali mogu se naći na kontakt adresama: www.i-sda.eu.
Association “PRAVNIK” together with the partner organization Konrad Adenauer Stiftung – Rule of Law Program South East Europe is proud to open the application process for the
15 – 25 JULY 2015
Association "PRAVNIK" together with the partner organization Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Rule of Law Program South East Europe will be offering International Summer School Sarajevo 2015 course on Transforming legal systems of South-East European countries to respond to human rights challenges” from 15 – 25 July 2015.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Accommodation is offered at the Franciscan Students' Hostel in double bedded rooms. The Hostel is at 15 minute walking distance from the city centre in safe and peaceful surroundings.
• To empower future decision makers to work to establish the Rule of Law and Human Rights system in transitional countries.
• To widen theoretical and practical skills of participants.
• To influence changes in transitional countries towards sustainable Rule of Law and the respect of Human Rights.
The program encourages applications from graduate and PhD students of law and related disciplines (under the age of 35); including a limited number of undergraduate students and young professionals from South East Europe, Europe and the US.
200€ for accommodation, meals and working materials. Students from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Moldova, and Serbia are eligible to apply for a participation fee reduction of 50%.
Travel costs are not covered by this fee and each participant should take care of personal travel arrangements.
If you are interested, all other relevant information are available on the
ISSS 2015 official website www.pravnik-online.info
or contact us at
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Konkurs za UNESCO Kalinga nagradu za popularizaciju nauke za 2015. godinu
UNESCO Kalinga nagrada za popularizaciju nauke je zajednički ustanovljena od strane Kalinga fondacije, Vlade indijske države Orisa i Vlade Indije i dodjeljuje se svake dvije godine osobi koja je napravila značajan doprinos popularizaciji nauke. Za nominaciju treba uzeti u razmatranje osobe koje su posvetile karijeru tumačenju nauke, istraživanja i tehnologije širokoj javnosti s ciljem poboljšanja razumijevanja i traženja rješenja za lokalne, regionalne i globalne izazove. Nominovana osoba može biti pisac, redaktor, predavač, urednik ili producent radio/televizijskog ili filmskog programa i očekuje se da poznaje ulogu koju nauka, tehnologija i, uopšteno, istraživanje imaju na poboljšanje dobrobiti društva, obogaćenje kulturnog naslijeđa i rješavanje problema čovječanstva. Nagrada se dodjeljuje samo pojedincu. Rad u kome su učestvovale dvije ili više osoba neće biti uzet u razmatranje.
Državna komisija za UNESCO može da nominuje jednog kandidata na osnovu preporuke: nacionalnih udruženja za unapređenje nauke, akademije nauke ili drugih naučnih udruženja, i/ili nacionalnih udruženja naučnih pisaca ili novinara.
Nominacije treba da sadrži sljedeće dokumente:
- Opis obrazovnog i profesionalnog profila kandidata;
- Popunjen formular za nominaciju;
- Rezime rada ili rezultata rada na popularizaciji nauke, uključujući publikacije i druge prateće materijale, koji će se predati na razmatranje i
- Opis kako je ovaj rad kandidata doprinio popularizaciji nauke.
Navedene dokumente je potrebno dostaviti u 5 kopija (na papiru ili u elektronskoj formi – 5x CD, DVD ili USB) na engleskom ili francuskom jeziku, i prevod na jedan od službenih bh jezika, najkasnije do 1. 5. 2015. godine.
Nominacije se dostavljaju poštom Državnoj komisiji BiH za UNESCO na adresu:
Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH
Državna komisija BiH za UNESCO
Trg BIH br. 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Detaljne informacije o uslovima i načinu prijavljivanja možete naći na: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/science-technology/single-view-sc-policy/news/call_for_nominations_for_the_unesco_kalinga_prize_for_the_popularization_of_science-1/#.VQwbPY7F-YI
Nous venons de lancer un appel à candidatures pour des stages d'insertion professionnelle chez KPMG Roumanie.
Je vous prie de diffuser cette offre auprès des étudiants en sciences économiques, niveau Master 2 (Bac+5), inscrits dans une université AUF dans un des pays suivants : Albanie, Arménie, Bosnie, Bulgarie, Croatie, Hongrie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Macédoine, Moldova, Pologne, Serbie, Slovaquie, Ukraine.
Les stages se dérouleront à KPMG Romania, Bucarest, pour une durée de 6 mois, d’octobre 2015 à mars 2015. À la fin du stage, les meilleurs stagiaires se verront offrir la possibilité d’être recrutés dans le groupe KPMG.
Prise en charge :
• allocation mensuelle de 570 €
• transport aller-retour
• accès à logement à prix négocié sur le campus universitaire
• assurance maladie-accident-rapatriement
Appel ouvert jusqu'au 15 mai 2015.
Affiche à télécharger : https://nuage.auf.org/public.php?service=files&t=48ce3d7ea335d926673032582963abaa
Program stipendiranja „GO STYRIA“ za akademsku 2015/2016. godinu
U okviru „GO STYRIA“ programa stipendiranja, studenti master i doktorskog studija, kao i kandidati na postdoktorskom istraživanju mogu aplicirati za istraživački boravak (maksimalno 4 mjeseca) na Univerzitetu u Grazu tokom zimskog semestra 2015/2016. godine. Stipendije finansira savezna pokrajina Štajerska u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Grazu.
Rok za dostavu prijava je 30. 4. 2015. godine.
Više informacija dostupno je na:
Danubius Young Scientist Award 2015
Austrijsko federalno ministarstvo nauke, istraživanja i ekonomije u saradnji sa Institutom za dunavsku regiju i centralnu Evropu je otvorilo poziv za dodjelu nagrade mladim naučnicima iz zemalja dunavske regije.
„Danubius Young Scientist Award 2015“ će biti dodijeljena jednom naučniku iz svake zemlje dunavske regije (Austrija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Hrvatska, Češka, Njemačka, Mađarska, Moldavija, Crna Gora, Srbija, Slovačka, Slovenija, Rumunija i Ukrajina) za izuzetna naučna dostignuća iz svoje oblasti, a koja su na konkretan način vezana za dunavsku regiju. Kandidati za nagradu moraju biti nominovani od strane institucije u kojoj su zaposleni.
Nagrada za svakog mladog naučnika iznosi 1200 eura. Krajnji rok za podnošenje nominacija je 20. mart 2015. godine.
Više informacija je dostupno na web stranici:
Seminari za lidere na „Harvard Kennedy School“
Harvard Kennedy School poziva sve zainteresirane lidere iz tranzicijskih zemalja, posebno one koji se bave ekonomskim izazovima, javnim poslovima i različitim razvojnim projektima da se kandiduju za kurseve koje organizuje ova obrazovna institucija, sa sjedištem u Kembridžu, Masačusets, Sjedinjene Američke Države.
U pitanju su jednosedmični ili dvosedmični obrazovni programi za koje je potrebno napredno znanje engleskog jezika.
Detaljnije informacije o ovim seminarima, uključujući rokove apliciranja te troškove školovanja, mogu se naći na internet adresi: https://exed.hks.harvard.edu ili kontaktirajući e-mail:
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i telefon: +1617 496 9000.
Inter University Centre Dubrovnik IUC
Inter University Centre Dubrovnik IUC je nezavisna međunarodna institucija za napredne studije struktuirana kao konzorcij univerziteta. Misija ove institucije je organizovati i promovisati kontakt i razmjenu uz pomoć projekata, studijskih programa, kurseva i konferencija u širokom opusu naučnih problema.
IUC poziva studente, akademske i administrativne saradnike Univerziteta u Sarajevu da posjete njihovu web stranicu: www.iuc.hr i Facebook stranicu: www.facebook.com/IUC.Dubrovnik.
Ignaz L. Lieben Award 2015
Austrijska akademija nauka obavještava da je objavljen konkurs za Ignaz L. Lieben Award 2015.
Ignaz L. Lieben Award iznosi 36 hiljada dolara i dodjeljuje se mladim naučnicima koji rade i koji su u protekle tri godine radili u Austriji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Republici Češkoj, Mađarskoj, Slovačkoj ili Sloveniji. Kandidati ne smiju biti stariji od 40 godina, okončali su svoj doktorat i ostvarili su izuzetne rezultate u polju molekularne biologije, hemije ili fizike.
Krajnji rok za dostavu prijava je 15. mart 2015. godine.
Za više informacija posjetite: http://stipendien.oeaw.ac.at/en/price/ignaz-l-lieben-award.
Stipendije Republike Indonezije za bosanskohercegovačke studente
Vlada Republike Indonezije nudi studentima iz Bosne i Hercegovine jednogodišnji studij koji uključuje izučavanje indonezijskog jezika, tradicionalne muzike, plesa i indonezijskih zanata.
Više informacija dostupno je na web stranici www.darmasiswa.kemdiknas.go.id ili putem e-maila:
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. Za više informacija posjetite Ambasadu Republike Indonezije u Sarajevu ili kontaktirajte putem telefona: (033) 568 510 ili e-maila:
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Poziv za prijavu na Internacionalno takmičenje i nagradu za dizajn
Informacija o stipendijama koje Rumunija dodjeljuje stranim studentima u akademskoj 2015/2016. godini
Objavljen je Program stipendija koje Rumunija dodjeljuje studentima – stranim državljanima u akademskoj 2015/2016. godini.
Detaljnije informacije o ovom programu, uključujući i procedure apliciranja, dostupne su na web stranici Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Rumunije: www.mae.ro/node/1794.
Rok za dostavljanje aplikacija je 15. mart 2015. godine.
Stipendije Ministarstva poljoprivrede Mađarske i Organizacije za hranu i poljoprivredu (FAO)
Ministarstvo poljoprivrede Mađarske i Organizacija za hranu i poljoprivredu (FAO) objavili su poziv za dodjelu stipendija za akademsku 2015/2016. godinu. U okviru poziva nude se stipendije za master studije iz oblasti Animal nutrition and feed safety, Plant protection i Rural development and agribusiness.
Rok za podnošenje aplikacije je 28. 2. 2015. godine.
Detaljnije informacije dostupne su na web stranici:
Stipendije iz programa Fondacije Alexander von Humboldt
Fondacija Alexander von Humbolt, Njemačka, nudi stipendije za postdoktorske istraživačke radove. Stipendije su namijenjene visokokvalificiranim naučnim radnicima iz inostranstva koji su završili doktorske studije prije najmanje četiri godine, kao i za iskusnije doktore nauke, u cilju provođenja zajedničkih istraživanja sa kolegama u Njemačkoj.
Detaljnije informacije o Fondaciji, načinu apliciranja i uvjetima za dobijanje stipendija dostupne su na web stranici: www.humboldt-foundation.de.
UNESCO/IUPAC/PhosAgro dodjeljuju istraživačke grantove u oblasti zelene hemije
U okviru partnerstva u oblasti zelene hemije između UNESCO-a, Međunarodne unije za čistu i primjenjenu hemiju (IUPAC) i ruske kompanije PhosAgro, koje je predviđeno na period 2013-2017. godine, dodjeljuju se grantovi mladim istraživačima sa inovativnim prijedlozima projekata u zelenoj hemiji.
Grantovi u visini do 30 000 $ namijenjeni su istraživačkim projektima vezanim za zelenu hemiju.
Poziv za grantove će se objavljivati jednom godišnje za period sklopljenog partnerstva (2013-2017). Za projekte se mogu prijaviti mladi istraživači, starosti do 35 godina a koji taj istraživački projekat mogu sprovesti u roku od godinu dana kroz regionalnu ili međunarodnu naučnu saradnju i/ili naučnoindustrijsku saradnju.
Kandidati moraju imati doktorat iz oblasti hemije ili povezane interdisciplinarne oblasti.
Poziv za apliciranje je pokrenut i rok za dostavljanje aplikacija je 28. februar 2015. godine.
Detaljnije informacije o grantovima i o načinu apliciranja dostupne su na web stranici: www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/science-technology/basic-sciences/chemistry/green-chemistry-for-life.
19th International Conference on Engineering Education
ICEE 2015
Zagreb, 20-24 July 2015
Zagreb School of Economics and Management and iNEER (International Network for Engineering Education and Research – www.ineer.org) are organizing the ICEE 2015 19th International Conference on Engineering Education, held in Zagreb, July 20-24. The Conference is under the auspices of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and is the result of our school’s active participation in the work of iNEER for many years.
International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2015) will provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from academia as well as industry to meet and exchange of the best engineering practices and developments in engineering education. Focusing on innovation, exchange and networking, the conference contributes to the affirmation of Croatia in terms of gathering globally relevant scientists and practitioners dedicated to engineering education, information communication technology and allied fields. This event is undoubtedly an opportunity to all interested in finding and adoption of innovations in this area, to participate, share their experiences and establish many business contacts, potentially important for your institution and you personally.
Details on the Conference are available at: http://icee2015.zsem.hr
All papers will be subjected to peer review and those selected, will be published in the Conference proceedings. Detailed instructions on the paper submission are available at:
A certain rate of papers will be selected as best papers and their extended version will be recommended for publishing in an international journal.
Call for Papers
Review of Arts and Humanities
ISSN: 2334-2927 (Print) 2334-2935 (Online)
Review of Arts and Humanities (http://aripd.org/rah#j_info) is an international journal that fosters a dialogue between the humanities and arts and the bio-medical, psychological, behavioral, and social sciences. All articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and double-blind peer review by at least two reviewers. The aim of the editors is to publish timely, useful and informative results that will be of value to a general audience. Every article published in our journal is promoted to researchers working in the respective fields.
The journal is published by the American Research Institute for Policy Development (http://aripd.org/) that serves as a focal point for academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world.
The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their manuscripts/papers to the executive editor via e-mail at
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. Please indicate the name of the journal (Review of Arts and Humanities) in the cover letter or simply put ‘Review of Arts and Humanities’ in the subject box during submission via e-mail.
The journal is Abstracted/Indexed in CrossRef, CrossCheck, Cabell's, Ulrich's, Griffith Research Online, Google Scholar, Education.edu, Informatics, Universe Digital Library, Standard Periodical Directory, Gale, Open J-Gate, EBSCO, Journal Seek, DRJI, ProQuest, BASE, InfoBase Index, OCLC, IBSS, Academic Journal Databases, Scientific Index.
Call for papers for Vol. 4, No. 1.
The online publication date is March 31, 2015.
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2015.
Program stipendiranja „Matsumai International Foundation za 2015. godinu“
Ambasada BiH u Japanu je obaviještena od strane Matsumai International Foundation da je objavljen program stipendiranja za 2016. godinu u trajanju od 3 do 6 mjeseci. Istraživački program stipendiranja je predviđen prvenstveno za oblast prirodnih nauka, medicine i inženjering, a kandidati moraju imati doktorat i biti mlađi od 49 godina.
Rok za dostavu aplikacija je 31. avgust 2015. godine.
Više informacija o programu i prijavni obrasci dostupni su na web stranici: www.mars.dti.ne.jp/mif
Internacionalna ljetna škola u Oslu
Internacionalna ljetna škola u Oslu u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Oslu organizuje kurseve norveškog jezika, kulture i društva u periodu od 20. 6. 2015. do 31. 7. 2015. godine.
Krajnji rok za podnošenje aplikacija je 1. 2. 2015. godine.
Više informacija zainteresovani mogu dobiti na:
tel.: 0047 22 8563 85
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web: http://www.uio.no/english/studies/summerschool/
ICITS 2015 Call for Symposium
The 9th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium (http://icits2015.org/) will take place on May 20th – 22nd 2015 at Sandıklı Thermal Park Hotel in Afyonkarahisar / Turkey under the leadership of Anadolu University.
During the symposium, keynotes and panels on the current issues related to instructional technology and teacher education will be run by field experts in addition to oral and poster presentations. The language of the symposium will be English and Turkish. Selected submissions will be published by sponsor journals as well.
Agriculture and Food
International Conference
1–5 June 2015, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
We would like to invite you to attend the international conference “Agriculture & Food”, during the dates of June 1-5, 2015 at Hotel "Royal Castle" in the Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria.
You are invited and encouraged to make a presentation and to provide a paper on a relevant aspect of the topic.
More detailed information concerning the schedule of events and the registration fee can be found on our web site at http://www.sciencebg.net/en/conferences/agriculture-and-food/
In order to ensure that you are registered in a timely and accurate manner, we recommend that you register on our website at http://www.sciencebg.net/en/register/
All the papers presented will be published in open access online journals, part of International Scientific Publications (http://www.scientific-publications.net/en/).
For more information and registration, please visit www.sciencebg.net.
Graz International Summer School Seggau 2015 – Shifting Perspectives: Europe and the Americas
Internacionalna ljetna škola se organizuje za međunarodno orijentirane, visokomotivirane studente iz svih oblasti koji bi željeli proširiti svoje znanje o trenutnim evropskim i međunarodnim problemima. Ljetna škola će trajati u periodu od 28. juna do 11 jula 2015. godine i održaće se u dvorcu Seggau u Štajerskoj, u vinskom regionu blizu slovenske granice. Različiti vidovi stipendija su obezbjeđeni u sklopu ljetne škole.
Više informacija dostupno je na:
Ponude Diplomatske akademije u Beču – studijski programi i kursevi za akademsku 2015/2016. godinu
1) Diplomski studijski program: jednogodišnji studijski program sa širokim interdisciplinarnim obrazovanjem u oblasti međunarodnih odnosa za apsolvente na univerzitetima svih usmjerenja. Posebno se insistira na praktičnim vještinama: tehnika prezentacije i pregovaranja, retorike, projektnog menadžmenta i jezičkog obrazovanja, sa kursevima njemačkog, engleskog i francuskog jezika.
2) M.A.I.S. – studijski program (Master of Advanced International Studies): Dvogodišnji master program sa težištem na EU. Kandidati koji već raspolažu dodatnim interdisciplinarnim akademskim obazovanjem u oblasti međunarodnih odnosa mogu biti primljeni izravno na drugu godinu. Program se realizira u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Beču.
3) E.T.I.A. – studijski program (Master in Environmental Technology and International Affairs), u saradnji sa Tehničkim univerzitetom u Beču. Polaznici ovog studijskog programa će se upoznati i sa političkom privrednom i pravnom pozadinom programa: (Jedna godina na Diplomatskoj akademiji sa akcentom na međunarodna pitanja vezana za okoliš i 2 godine na Tehničkom univerzitetu).
4) Ljetni kurs za njemački jezik i kulturu i civilizaciju Austrije: Intenzivna nastava njemačkog jezika za sve nivoe znanja jezika, sa ekskurzijama i radionicama o austrijskoj politici, historiji i kulturi.
Detaljnije informacije se mogu naći na web stranici Diplomatske akademije Beč:
Za pogodne kandidate iz BiH na raspolaganju stoje posebne stipendije ADA-e (Austrian Development Agency).
Faculty of Education
Maltepe University, Istanbul, TURKEY
02-03 April 2015
The Faculty of Education Students’ Local Organizing Committee at Maltepe University is pleased to announce the call for papers for the undergraduate students’ conference on 'New Approaches in Education' to be held at Maltepe University on 2 – 3 April 2015.
We welcome submission for individual papers and panel proposals that should be addressing, but not limited to
1. Problems and suggested solutions which prospective teachers face
2. Career expectations of prospective teachers
3. Expectations from teachers of the future
4. The role of student clubs and social responsibility projects in preparing prospective teachers for the future
5. Opinions of teachers and prospective teachers about different and alternative educational models
6. New approaches in different teaching fields (foreign language education, mathematics education, early childhood education, special education, computer education etc.)
7. Guidance services in schools and new approaches
8. Opinions of prospective teachers about teacher education
Abstracts can be submitted via e-mail to
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by 16th February, 2015 and should contain a clear outline of the argument, theoretical framework, methodology and results.
The text of the abstracts should be submitted in English only, in a separate Word document in the following format: max. 300-400 words, 1.5 line spaced Arial (Plain) 11-point font (except for title which should be Times New Roman 14-point font), A4 size page formatting, with the page margins of 2.5 cm from the left, top and bottom and 2 cm from the right.
Panel proposals should consist of five individual contributions, combining a panel abstract with five individual abstracts of max. 500 words each (5 x 500 for individual abstracts, plus 500 for the panel’s abstract).
Participating students will be accompanied by fellow students from Turkey and across the world to debate the raising issues in the area of education in a conference organized by the students of Faculty of Education at Maltepe University with the support of staff of Faculty of Education.
16th January, 2015 - Deadline for submission
20th February, 2015 - Announcement of accepted abstracts
6th March, 2015 - Deadline for last phase of abstracts
02-03 April, 2015 - Congress Date
There is NO Registration Fee!
Participants attending the conference will be hosted by Maltepe University at our 5-star Marma Congress Centre (www.marmaotel.com). Participants will only have to pay their travel expenses. All other expenses will be provided by Maltepe University!
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
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or visit our website at http:/iesc.maltepe.edu.tr
Konkurs za master stipendije
„Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics“
Program uključuje:
• Svi troškovi (troškovi školarine, smještaja i puta) su pokriveni, što uklanja bilo kakve finansijske ili geografske prepreke za studente da se prijave
• Studenti uče od vodećih svjetskih stručnjaka – teoretskih fizičara, onih koji rade na Perimeter institutu kao i gostujućih stručnjaka
• Saradnja se cijeni više od suparništva – duboko shvatanje i kreativnost se cijene više od učenja napamet i ispitivanja
• PSI prima kandidate iz čitavog svijeta – 85% studenata ne dolazi iz Kanade
• PSI traži izuzetne talente koji možda nemaju tradicionalnu akademsku pozadinu, ali koji pokazuju izuzetan naučni talenat
Aplikacije se primaju do 1. februara 2015. godine.
Više informacija na:
• http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/sites/perimeter-www.pi.local/files/PsiPoster.pdf?cm_mid=4166311&cm_crmid=877ce1b3-de12-e111-870d-005056800012&cm_medium=email
• http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/training/about-psi?cm_mid=4166311&cm_crmid=877ce1b3-de12-e111-870d-005056800012&cm_medium=email
Application for “Best of South-East” – Academic Year 2015/16
Based on the success of the program in previous years Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank initiates in cooperation with the University of Graz this year again “Best of South-East”, the advancement and further education program for talented and dedicated graduates und students in and from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (F.Y.R.O.M.).
The program's aim is to provide the target groups mentioned above with international work experience as well as training and further education opportunities. Furthermore, a trainee program or internship makes it easier for students to enter professional life.
Stipendije za studiranje u oblasti historije na Evropskom koledžu u Varšavi
Evropski koledž u Varšavi dodjeljuje 10 stipendija iz Evropskog Interdisciplinarnog Programa za Albaniju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Kosovo, Makedoniju, Crnu Goru i Srbiju za studiranje na Natolin Campusu u akademskoj 2015./2016. godini. Kandidati mogu imati završen studij iz bilo koje akreditovane akademske oblasti.
Rok za podnošenje aplikacija teče od kraja oktobra 2014. godine do kraja januara 2015. godine. Intervjui će se obaviti u proljeće 2015. godine.
Više informacija na www.coleurope.eu.
Studiranje u Bangladešu
Ambasada Narodne Republike Bangladeš u Hagu obavijestila je Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH da University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) u Dhaki, Bangladeš, nudi program za strane studente za akademsku 2014/2015. godinu.
Aplikacije se podnose do 31. decembra 2014. godine.
Informacije o uvjetima, proceduri podnošenja aplikacija i cijeni studiranja
Program stipendiranja GRIPS za 2015. godinu – Studij u Japanu u trajanju od 5 godina
Nacionalni institut za diplomske studije (GRIPS) iz Tokija je obavijestio Ambasadu BiH u Tokiju da se aplikacije za program za master i doktorske studije za 2015. godinu predaju do 17. decembra 2014. godine. Predviđeno trajanje programa je 5 godina, a po završetku master programa i upisanih doktorskih studija studentima će biti obezbijeđen i dodatni iznos za istraživački program. Studentima će biti obezbijeđena puna stipendija tokom njihovog boravka u Japanu, besplatna školarina i povratna avionska karta. Aplicirati mogu studenti koji imaju završen BA i koji žele da se u budućnosti bave poslovima u vladinim institucijama ili u međunarodnim organizacijama.
Za više informacija posjetite:
28. međunarodni konkurs za dodjelu nagrade "Khwarizmi"
Ministarstvo za nauku, istraživanje i tehnologiju Islamske Republike Iran uputilo je poziv bosanskohercegovačkim istraživačima da učestvuju na 28. međunarodnom takmičenju za dodjelu nagrade „Khwarizmi“ koje će se održati početkom februara 2015. godine u Teheranu.
Više informacija o načinu prijave dostupno je web stranici: www.khwarizmi.ir.
Prijave radova potrebno je izvršiti na navedenoj web stranici najkasnije do 10. novembra 2014. godine.
Summer School 2014
Climate change affects everyone of us. But how exactly does climate change affect our agriculture? What is its impact on human infectious diseases? And, maybe most important of all: How can we face climate change? How can we develop smarter cities and reduce our CO2-emissions? How can we make a better tomorrows life?
Join our summer school in October 2014 – learn and discuss about climate impacts and protection, about sustainable cities and future energy technology, about human health and climate change. Become part of a big audience of rethinkers – become part of this summer school.
The summer school will take place in Sopron, Hungary, as well as in Budapest and Vienna, Austria. We will have some several exciting field trips, just like the Simmering power plant, the German embassy at Budapest or the historical city of Sopron.
When: 26th of October until 31st of October
Where: Sopron (Hungary), Budapest (Hungary), Vienna (Austria)
Language: English
Costs: 80€ for accommodation + trip to Sopron
Examination: Oral examination in a freely chosen topic in discussion-teams. Written examination in a report, created in a team (volume about 10 pages) until 31st of December
Credit Points: 2 to 5, depending on university
Please register yourself here: https://de.surveymonkey.com/s/7WTF3B8
Stipendije za napredni nivo obuke u polju razvoja usluga – Service Design
Politecnico di Milano nudi stipendije za napredni nivo obuke u polju razvoja usluga – Service Design. Od istraživanja ka prototipu, 12 mjeseci teoretskih časova uključujući seminare i radionice do konačnog samostalnog pisanja teze. Svi stipendisti će dobiti mogućnost prakse sarađujući sa međunarodnim agencijama i kompanijama posvećenim dizajnu korisničkog iskustva.
Aplikaciju slati na
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do 2. oktobra 2014.
Jedna od radionica će uključiti saradnju sa Action Aid, međunarodnom nezavisnom organizacijom koja je već duže od 40 godina posvećena borbi protiv uzroka svjetske gladi, siromaštva i isključenosti iz društva.
Neke od najpoznatijih kompanija su već potvrdili svoje učešće u partnerstvu sa stipendistima-praktikantima: Frog, Experientia, Logotel, WeAreHuman, Namahn, Snook, Service Design Network, Comune di Torino, Reggio Children, Prochile, Unit IRIS Ospedale San Raffaele.
Uvjeti za aplikaciju su sljedeći: kandidati moraju posjedovati Bachelor ili Master diplomu iz dizajna, arhitekture, inženjerstva ili mogu biti stručnjaci iz drugih oblasti koji su voljni da usavrše svoju profesionalnu obuku.
Zajedno sa osnovama u razvoju usluga, propedeutički moduli će biti fokusirani na istraživanje, tehnike prototipa i metodologije tokom prvog mjeseca, uključujući korisnički koncentriran pristup i praktični rad u tom polju.
Za više informacija, posjetite: www.servicedesignmaster.com
Call for participants – MBSDr program
Call for participants
Program and course description B&H
Geneva International Students' Program
The Geneva International Students' Program is an English language study abroad semester at the University of Geneva that combines interdisciplinary English modules with intensive French language study.
The UNIGE is currently accepting applications for the 2015 GISP Session (Feb. 16 - May 22, 2015).
Candidates may apply online by October 15th, 2014.
All program, fees, and application information is on the GISP website: www.unige.ch/gisp
GISP Fast Facts
• an interdisciplinary Study Abroad semester at the University of Geneva taught in English;
• 30 ECTS credits;
• live in one of the main centers of international governance;
• intensive French language courses over the course of the semester;
• contact with experts in a variety of fields including international law, human rights, political science, economics, natural sciences, history, cultural studies and translation studies;
• a field-oriented curriculum with visits to major international organizations like the UN, the WTO and the ILO and cutting-edge laboratories like the CERN;
• an international experience in a foreign university with small class size (30-35 students), direct interaction with esteemed professors, and administrative support from the Program Coordinator.
Canon Foundation Research Fellowships
Each year, to contribute to international understanding between Europe and Japan, the Canon Foundation in Europe grants up to 15 Research Fellowships to highly qualified European and Japanese researchers.
Candidates are required to have obtained a PhD or MA higher degree within the previous ten years. Exceptional candidates who obtained their qualification more than ten years prior to application will also be considered. Such candidates are required to provide further supporting information in their application. Non-nationals are required to have permanent citizenship in either Europe or Japan.
We welcome applications from all fields of research. European Fellows pursue a period of research in Japan and Japanese Fellows at host institutions in Europe. Fellowships are awarded for periods of at least three months up to a maximum of one year.
Deadline for applications: 15 September 2014
To apply, download our application form at www.canonfoundation.org where you will also find further supporting information, terms and conditions.
Polish Language Course for foreigners 2014
We would like to invite all international students as well as international guest for a three weeks long Polish Language course organized by the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (01-19.09.2014). For all participants we prepared a lot of many activities: grammar and vocabulary classes, practical classes, conversations, workshops, study visits and tours and additional events.
The course will be a good occasion to not just to learn Polish language, but also meet Polish customs and traditions, take part in international workshops and Science Festival in Nysa and meet many international friends.
For sure it will be helpful for all Erasmus students who are going to spend one or two semesters in Poland or people who would like to learn Polish language and spend three wonderful weeks in Poland and Nysa.
Main course (price: 985 PLN ~ 240 Euro) includes:
-Classes — 42 hours (grammar, vocabulary, reading, practical classes and conversations)
-Extra activities—guided tour in Nysa, study tour to Kotlina Kłodzka, integration meeting
-Science Festival in Nysa
-Meeting with polish customs, culture, traditions and with culture of participants countries
-Special coursebook for every participant “Polish, not as bad as it’s painted”
-All other materials, information packed
-Accommodation for students
Extra module (price: 420 PLN ~ 100 Euro) includes:
- Extra classes—18 hours (practical classes, conversations and language workshops)
- Extra study tour to the Czech Republic
- Possibility of individual conversations
ORCiM Seminar 2014
19-20 November 2014
Ghent, Belgium
The seventh International ORCiM Seminar, organised at the Orpheus Institute, offers the opportunity for contributors from around the world to gather and explore the theme of:
The integration of artistic research results into musical training
The Orpheus Institute (Ghent), together with the Centre of Excellence in Music Performance Education (NAM, Oslo), wishes to explore the potential of this topic as part of a longer-term effort.
For the present seminar, the debate is framed in a wider perspective through the keynote by Prof. Dr. Dirk Van Damme, head of Innovation and Measuring Progress Division in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills.
The seminar will take place at the Orpheus Institute in Ghent, Belgium on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 November 2014.
Proposals are welcomed from the global pool of interested experts, ranging from artist-teachers to artistic researchers, and from students to policy makers, in order to bring practices, concepts and innovation to the floor of a two-day conference.
Deadline for Proposals: August 25, 2014
Download the call: http://www.orpheusinstituut.be/uploads/assets/476/1402911644-call-for-orcim-seminar-2014-output-to-impact.pdf
Send us your proposal through:
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Visit the ORCiM Seminar 2014 event page:
The 3rd year of Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference (EIIC)
Virtual Conference, September, 1 – 5. 2014
This is the call for papers for the 3rd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference which is going to be held at www.eiic.cz.
Call For Papers:
The main objective of EIIC 2014 is to bring together researchers from all over the world with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience. It will represent an international forum to give an overview of the most recent trends.
Conference Proceeding and Journal Publication:
All submitted papers will be under single blind peer review process and all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding with ISSN and ISBN. Authors of the best selected papers from the conference will be asked to prepare extended version of their paper to be considered for publishing in International Journals (more information in the EIIC 2014 web page).
Conference Organized By:
Goce Delchev University, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Budiness Academy Smilevski, Institite of Management, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) THOMSON Ltd., Research Company from Slovakia
Related Topics:
Potential topics are solicited in, but not limited to the following topics:
- Business Management, Consulting, Sales
- Marketing, Advertising
- Economy and Business Economics, Banking, Financial
- Public service, Law
- Financing and Accounting
- Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy, Social Science, Families, Work, Activism,
Lifestyle Choices
- News, Media, Internet
- Education, Science Education, Home Schooling, Math Education, Environmental
Education, Distance Education
- Medicine, Health, Alternative, Beauty, Fitness, Neurology, Pharmacy
- Veterinary medicine
- Art, Religion, History, Culturology, Philosophy, Architecture, Photography,
Design, Literature
- Linguistics
- Ecology, Forestry, Earth Science
- Agriculture
- Natural science - mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics
- Geographical
- Electronics, Electrical Systems, Electrical Engineering
- Energy
- Industrial and Civil Engineering
- Informatics, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Computing, Open Source,
World Wide Web
- Information Technology
- Wireless Technology, Databases, Graphics, Security
- Networking
- Transport and Logistics
Important Dates:
Submission of full paper: July 28, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: August 25, 2014
Camera Ready Submission & fee payment deadline: August 26, 2014
EIIC 2014 Conference Date: September 1 - 5, 2014
For further information, please contact us at:
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Website: www.eiic.cz
Stipendije za apsolvente iz Bosne i Hercegovine
Njemačka ambasada obavještava da njemački parlament u saradnji sa Humboldtovim univerzitetom u Berlinu, Tehničkim univerzitetom u Berlinu i Slobodnim univerzitetom u Berlinu i ove godine u okviru programa Internacionalne parlamentarne stipendije (IPS) nudi stipendije apsolventima iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Politički zainteresirani mladi ljudi, koji su već završili univerzitetski studij ili su neposredno pred završetkom studija, dobivaju mogućnost da se upoznaju sa parlamentarnim sistemom u Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj. Kandidati moraju odlično vladati njemačkim jezikom.
• bosanskohercegovačko državljanstvo,
• završen univerzitetski studij ili neposredno pred završetkom studija,
• veoma dobro poznavanje njemačkog jezika,
• poznavanje njemačke politike, društva i historije,
• do 30 godina starosti na početku stipendije.
• 450 eura mjesečno,
• besplatan smještaj,
• troškovi osiguranja i puta.
Završetak konkursa: 30. 6. 2014. godine.
Sve informacije na njemačkom jeziku potražite na web stranici njemačkog parlamenta: http://www.bundestag.de/internat_austausch/ips/info/bosnien.html ili na web stranici Njemačke ambasade u Bosni i Hercegovini: www.sarajewo.diplo.de.
Bauhaus Summer School 2014
Almost 400 students from over 60 countries meet every year at the Bauhaus Summer School in Weimar, the home of Bauhaus and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Participants earn credit points by taking courses in Architecture & Urban Studies, Art & Design, Engineering & Environment and Languages.
This year Bauhaus Summer School celebrates its 23nd anniversary. We look forward to welcoming your students into our Summer School family again and introducing them to the historical and modern atmosphere that makes Bauhaus-Universität Weimar unique.
For further information please visit: http://www.uni-weimar.de/summerschool/
Program stipendiranja „Matsumai International Foundation za 2015. godinu“
Ambasada BiH u Japanu je obaviještena od strane Matsumai International Foundation da je objavljen program stipendiranja za 2015. godinu u trajanju od 6 mjeseci. Istraživački program stipendiranja je predviđen prvenstveno za oblast prirodnih nauka, medicine i inženjering, a kandidati moraju imati doktorat i biti mlađi od 49 godina.
Rok za dostavu aplikacija je 31. august 2014. godine.
Više informacija o ovome programu i prijavni obrasci dostupni su na web stranici: www.mars.dti.ne.jp/mif
Stipendije za studente dodiplomskih i postdiplomskih studija i stipendije za znanstvenike/znanstvenice
Austrijska ambasada u Sarajevu obavještava da je Savezno Ministarstvo nauke i istraživanja Republike Austrije saopćilo da su za studijsku 2014/2015. godinu stavljene na raspolaganje stipendije za studente dodiplomskih i postdiplomskih studija, kao i stipendije za znanstvenike/znanstvenice.
Konkursi za stipendije se raspisuju u okviru Austrijske baze podataka za stipendije i poticanje istraživačkog rada www.grants.at (na njemačkom i engleskom jeziku). Putem ove web stranice su, pored informacija o stipendijama Saveznog ministarstva nauke i istraživanja, dostupne i informacije o stipendijskim programima drugih institucija.
Prijava za stipendije mora uslijediti putem web stranice www.scholarships.at. Posebno se obraća pažnja na to da se za stipendije za 2014/2015. godinu može konkurirati isključivo elektronskim putem.
Summer Work and Travel USA je program stvoren od strane US Department of State 1960-tih za studente iz cijelog svijeta koji žele da posjete Ameriku tokom ljeta; ne samo da turistički posjete Sjedinjene Američke Države već da zarade nešto novca i upotpune svoje studentske dane jednom nezaboravnom avanturom.
Work and Travel USA nudi priliku da budete više nego samo turista, a mi vjerujemo da je ovaj program jedno od najboljih iskustava koje možete steći. Prošle godine je 130.000 učenika otišlo u Ameriku preko Work and Travel programa. Kada dođete do nas, možete biti sigurni da ćete imati najbolje opcije u pogledu rada i smještaja u jednoj od vaših omiljenih destinacija. Mi smo među liderima u kulturnim i obrazovnim programima razmjene sa Sjedinjenim Državama i imamo dugu listu partnerskih organizacija koji zastupaju poslodavce.
Možete da odete u Ameriku, ako ste:
• REDOVNI STUDENT – Morate prisustvovati akreditovanoj fakultetskoj instituciju, državnoj ili privatnoj, i morate biti ispod 30 godina starosti. Trebalo bi da ste učenik na redovno upisanoj godini (ne obnovljenoj), sa prosječnim znanjem engleskog jezika.
• STUDENTI ZAVRŠNE GODINE – Možete da odete u Ameriku čak i ako ste završna godina osnovnih studija. Također se kvalifikujete za program ako imate namjeru da nastavite svoje studije na master ili doktorskom nivou.
• BRUCOŠ – Možete učestvovati u programu i sa prve godine univerziteta ako ste redovni student akreditovane fakultetske institucije, sa državnog ili privatnog univerziteta.
Američka ambasada je veoma efikasna i iz godine u godinu olakšava uslove učešća u programu, tako da ne postoji minimalni prosjek ocjena za učešće, ali dobre ocjene nisu na odmet, a što manje nepoloženih ispita imate, bolje su vam šanse.
Dea Hillton (www.deahillton.com), turistička agencija iz Sarajeva, je ekskluzivna agencija za promociju i implementaciju projekta Work and Travel in USA za FBiH.
Više informacija o programu dostupno je na web stranici: http://www.workandtravelusa.ba/