Nacionalni dan svjesnosti o bibliotekama u Bosni i Hercegovini
Otvoren WordPress blog i facebook profil
Akcijska grupa Nacionalnog dana svjesnosti o bibliotekama Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Sveučilišta u Mostaru i Kantonalne i univerzitetske biblioteke u Bihaću - partnera u ERASMUS+ Projektu - Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) - „Library Network Support Services (LNSS): Modernising libraries in Western Balkan countries through staff development and reforming library services“ je otvorila WordPress blog i facebook profil za potrebe realizacije ove projektne aktivnosti.
National Library Awareness Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina
WordPress Blog and Facebook Profile Opened
Library National Awareness Day Action Group of the University of Sarajevo, University of Mostar and Cantonal and University Library in Bihać - partners in ERASMUS+ Project - Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) - „Library Network Support Services (LNSS): Modernising libraries in Western Balkan countries through staff development and reforming library services“ has opened WordPress Blog and Facebook Profile for the purpose of Project activities realization.